Prologue: Julie

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"Jules, you have to come." Olivia pleaded, "You can't stay in a hotel, alone over the holidays."

"I admit I'm not looking forward to the holidays this year. Most of our friends are mutual, so I'm sure there will be lots of awkward conversations that start with 'So' and a long pause."

"The questions won't be the half of it." Olivia pointed out. "You forget the staring, the whispers, and the conversations that suddenly stop when you walk into the room."

"Come on, Liv. It won't be that bad. It's not like we were married or anything." Julie said trying to convince herself more than Olivia. "Yes, we were a couple for three years and most of our friends are mutual, but it's been over a year since he moved out of the condo."

"True. But you just moved out of the Condo six days ago. Your break-up will be news again. And you'll probably see him and his pregnant new wife at every party. You won't be able to get away from him."

"Not at every party. He won't be at my office p—."


It was moments like this when Julie wished that her mother and Liv's mother were not lifelong friends. Because then, she and Liv wouldn't have known each other since they were babies sharing playpens and cribs. Then Liv wouldn't know her so well, and she might not pick up on Julie's little slips.

"Yeah. Sorry. I was going to tell you. You know that my boss is the senior partner in a three-partner firm. Well, my boss announced that he's retiring and the other two partners have decided to go their own way. The firm is closing its doors next week." Julie heard Olivia give a long-suffering sigh and hurried to add. "It's not as bad as that, Liv. I have two interviews tomorrow."

"Well, good luck with that."


"Ju. Just promise that if you don't get one of those jobs that you'll come and stay with us."


"At least through the holidays." Olivia amended and quickly pressed her case. "Come on Ju. What kind of a best friend would I be if I let you be alone over the holidays while you burn through your savings living in a hotel and searching for a new home and job?"


Julie was a middle child between a bossy big sister and a pesky little brother. She never got her own way and had to work hard to stand out of her sister's shadow. Olivia, on the other hand, was an only child and a Daddy's girl who usually got what she wanted. That only worked half of the time with Julie. But Julie was beginning to realize that this was one of those times.

"Please, Jules?" Olivia wheedled, "You can have the spare bedroom all to yourself. And you can search for a job and a house from anywhere. Marshall's co-worker's sister is a realtor. She can find a place so you can spend more time enjoying the holidays."

"I love you, Liv. You know I do. But you and Marshall just got married! I don't want to be in the middle of all...that." Although Olivia couldn't see, Julie chuckled as she waved her hand in the air in an all-encompassing gesture.

Olivia laughed and Julie sensed she'd just lost the argument.


Julie smiled, remembering their youth and those happy days when Olivia first managed to drag the word into three syllables.

"You've been the other half of me for so long that Marshall won't even notice you're here. Besides, you know Marshall loves you like a sister. How do you think he'd feel to know—"

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