Part Two

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"Found it!"

All gazes swiveled to Julie as her fingers curled around the lost earring. Standing with ease, she reached once more for her son. With a slight shake of his head, Rich tightened his grip on Sidney. He offered Julie a smile and tipped his head toward his mother, hoping Julie would just roll with this for a few minutes.

"Julie," he said as if he'd known her forever, "This is my mother, Vivian Gleason."

"Ma'am." Julie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled as she held out a hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Julie." His mother smiled in return as reached toward the baby still chomping on Rich's watch. "And I'm delighted to make your acquaintance Sidney."

The baby laughed then and waved the slobbery watch at her. To his surprise, his mother didn't bat an eye. He was certain she would at least flinch, or lean away to avoid damaging her expensive designer suit. Surprising both Sidney's, Vivian chuckled and grabbed the baby's little foot.

Rich's gaze followed the gesture. With a smile, he noted the little hiking boots that were miniature versions of the ones he had in his own closet.

He never would have guessed that hiking boots came in baby sizes but on Little Sidney, they sure were cute.

"Sidney is such an unusual name." Vivian remarked casually.

"He was named for his father" Julie offered.

"Oh." His mother said, arching a brow.

Rich didn't miss the look his mother gave him and he didn't need to guess what she meant by it.

He knew exactly what his mother was thinking.


The slobbery watch hit his cheek and Rich suddenly became otherwise occupied for a few moments as he tried to keep the child from beating him with his own watch.

Little Sidney had impeccable timing. Single handed, the little man arranged a meeting between Julie and Rich. And now, thanks to the little guy keeping Rich busy, he couldn't deflect his mother as she smiled at Julie and went in for the kill.

Rich cringed inwardly.

Poor Julie didn't stand a chance.

"Sidney," Vivian began, addressing Rich while smiling sweetly at Julie, "You never returned your RSVP to the charity banquet tonight. I'm afraid I must insist you come and you must bring Julie and this charming little man as well."

"But I—" Julie began.

Even before his mother cut in, Rich knew it was hopeless. He was going to attend the charity banquet for the children's hospital and Julie was going to be his plus one. He smiled as he threw his head back to dodge Sidney's slobbery little fist.

Or rather the two of them would his plus one-and-a-half.

"I insist. There will be other families there as well. Sidney will enjoy it." Vivian squeezed Julie's hand and offered a mega-watt smile. "You must come. I won't take no for an answer."

Julie's shoulders fell in defeat. Blowing an errant strand of hair from her forehead, Julie and nodded her consent.

"Delighted!" Vivian beamed at Julie. "I'll see you this evening then."

With a smile for Rich, and a little pat to Sidney's knee, Vivian turned to go.

"I'll talk to you later, son." Vivian called over her shoulder.

All three of them were still, watching after Vivian's retreating form until she went into the building. As if suddenly released from a spell, Julie moved to take Sidney.

"I'm so sorry." She offered, "I didn't mean for you to—"

Sidney chose that moment to launch himself at Julie with enough force that she made a little "Oof!" as the baby crashed into her.

"Oh!" She frowned as she tried to free the watch from the tiny vice-like grip. "Your watch!"

Apparently, Sidney was not yet finished with the watch, and he scrunched up his face for a good howl of protest.

"It's alright." Rich waved a hand as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped a wet spot from his cheek. "I'll get it from you tonight when I pick you up. It seems you and he are my plus one this evening, for a charity function."

"Oh. I don't think I can." Julie shook her head. "I only agreed because your mother..." her voice trailed off.

"I know my mother can be a bit...forward, but really, you should come. My mother will be expecting you for one thing. And the dinner really is first rate. Mother has it catered by a two-star Michelin Chef."

"It's just that I—" Julie suddenly clamped her mouth shut as the slobbery watch hit her teeth.

"You don't have to worry about a sitter for Sidney. There will be other children there. Mother makes a special point to arrange special meals and entertainment for the children."

"I...well, it's just that..." Julie's cheeks pinked.

"Shall I send a car around for you? Where do you live?"

"That's just it, you see. I don't have a place of my own. At the moment, I'm housesitting for a friend. But more than that, I'm afraid Sidney and I don't have proper evening attire for a fancy charity banquet."

"Where is your friend's house then?" he asked choosing for the moment to ignore the latter part of her protest.

"Well, it's... that is...I..." The pink in her cheeks deepened and spread to her ears.

After a pause that was long enough Rich thought she might not continue, she blew that errant strand of hair from her face before giving a little bounce to shift Sidney's weight.

"I don't get off work until five but it might be later if—"

"You work here?" Rich's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

"In this building?" He jabbed his thumb toward the building his mother just entered.

"Yes. Mr. Lanthrope is—"

"I know Darrin!" Rich's manners were overcome by his continued surprise. "Does Sidney play in the day care center on the fifth floor?"

It was Julie's turn to look surprised, but she gave him a slow nod.

"Great! I'll talk to Darrin then and I'll—"

He bent his elbow and blinked at the faint mark on his bare wrist. It took a few seconds to remember that Sidney still clutched his watch.

"I'll let you know what time later today."

"So long Sidney." Rich smiled as tussled Sidney's soft hair.

With a shake of his head he left them on the steps and hurried inside. Thanks to the encounter with Julie and little Sidney, he was really late for the meeting, but he figured his mother would let it slide. He didn't think she'd have any cross words for him.

At least none until after the meeting, he thought with a smile.

"Hello Mr. Roberts." The fresh young receptionist called as he strode past. "Your mother said not to worry about the meeting. She said she'll see you tonight."

"Thank you, Miss Walters." He replied as he jammed his thumb on the up button.

His thoughts were still with that warm little bundle named Sidney...and the boy's lovely mother, Julie.

Julie wasn't the type of woman he usually escorted to these functions, but she—

The elevator opened and he stepped inside, stabbing the button for the top floor. As the doors closed, he caught a glimpse of Julie and Sidney crossing the lobby.

His lips tugged into a smile and he felt a strange compulsion to whistle.

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