Part Four

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"I'll take him." Rich offered, lifting the sleeping boy from the babysitter's arms.

As the warm little bundle snuggled into his shoulder, he felt the world shift a little beneath his feet.

Sidney looked so handsome in his baby version of a tuxedo.

And Julie was absolutely stunning in her black evening gown. It was simple and elegant...rather like the woman he'd gotten to know a little better this evening.

For once, he was glad for his mother's meddling. Afterall, she was the one that finally convinced Julie to come tonight.

"Rich, I should—"

"Nonsense." He said softly as he offered her his free hand. "I don't mind. Really."

"Thank you." She smiled. A blush crept to her cheeks as she slipped her hand into his.

He led them from the play room at the back of the banquet hall and wove through the tables, around the dance floor and out through the doors.

Without a word, she let him lead her down the red carpeted hall and across the elegant hotel lobby. At the revolving glass doors to the street, he stepped in front of her.

The doors were heavy and he wanted to get it moving for her, since she was wearing that long skirt with those high-heels.

She smiled up at him as she stepped out onto the sidewalk and his heart skipped a beat. Rich felt light headed and he suddenly couldn't stop smiling.

"The car will be here in a minute." He managed.

Must have had too much champagne.

Julie reached out to gently tugged the back of Sidney's jacket down. Then, with a feather-soft touch, her fingers stroked Sidney's hair, brushing down the little cowlick.

No. This wasn't alcohol. He'd never felt like this around any of the other women, even after he'd been drinking.

So maybe it was just being around Julie.

She was really something special.

The doorman cleared his throat and Rich was pulled from his study of her.

Julie climbed into the car first.

Rich admired the way the dress draped over her hips.

And the way it exposed her leg to mid-thigh as she slid across the seat.

She blushed as she shifted in the seat to adjust the skirt and cover her leg, leaving only her ankles and feet exposed to his perusal.

Her strappy high heels were sexy as hell.

"I had a lovely evening." She offered as the limo pulled into traffic.

"So did I." Rich answered. He smiled as he realized that he meant it. With a smile for the sleeping boy snuggled against his shoulder, Rich added: "I think it's safe to say Sidney enjoyed himself too."

"Oh, he was in baby-heaven with all those toys!" She chuckled and touched Sidney's little fist where he clutched at Rich's arm.

"Mother wanted me to ask if you had plans for Thanksgiving next week."

Rich suddenly found himself hoping she said no.

"I..." She clamped her lips together shook her head.

Rich wasn't sure what she was going to say, but he suddenly wanted to know.

"Then I am to bring you and Sidney home with me. You know my mother. She won't take no for an answer."

Could Julie see how nervous he suddenly felt?

"No, I don't suppose she would." Julie chuckled softly and offered a smile. "I don't think that word is in her vocabulary!"


Rich followed her inside, since he insisted on carrying Sidney.

Inside the nursery, she stepped aside so that Rich could put Sidney in the crib.

It was a picture she wouldn't soon forget.

A handsome brown-eyed-tuxedo-clad man carrying the little tuxedo-clad baby with his little cherubic cheeks and dark lashes...

Her stomach suddenly fluttered.

Must be the champagne.

Rich stepped back while Julie quietly removed Sidney's tuxedo and slipped him into his footed jammies. Pulling his cover over him, she looked down at the sleeping bundle and her heart swelled. With a wistful smile, Julie pressed a kiss to her fingers and gently touched Sidney's head.

He really was such a sweet little baby.

Quietly she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Rich smiled down at her as she walked him to the door. She felt the blush climbing into her cheeks, then studiously ignored it.

He hesitated a moment on the doorstep. Her eyes rounded in surprise when he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Goodnight, Julie." Rich said softly. "Lock the door."

He waited for the click of the lock before he returned to his car. Julie knew, because she watched him through the window by the door.

As he climbed into the car, he looked back and gave her a parting smile.

Her heart did a little rat-a-tat-tat.  

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