Part Three

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Julie was exhausted as she handed Sidney over to the day care helper, Miss Patty. Her thoughts were a jumble as she watched Sidney snuggle against Patty's shoulder for an afternoon nap.

Who would have thought a small baby could get into so much trouble in the sand box!

But oh, he was such a sweet little baby when he was kicking his little feet and laughing on the baby swing.

Still lost in her thoughts, Julie turned to go.

And then there was—

"Oy!" Miss Patty caught Julie's sleeve. "You might want this back."

Julie couldn't comprehend how the woman managed to extricate the watch so swiftly from that vice grip. Neither could she understand why Sidney hadn't made a peep in protest.

Blowing that strand of hair out of her eyes again, she made a mental note to remember to bring an extra hair pin or two this evening.

Especially if she was going to be managing the adorable but wiggly little Sidney.

Julie held out her palm to accept the watch. As soon as the slobbery thing touched her palm, her face scrunched in displeasure.


"Thanks." She muttered, trying for a smile.

As she stood waiting for the elevator, her thoughts replayed the encounter in front of the building.

It still seemed surreal, somehow.

What was that man's name? She shrugged. He sure was handsome.

His mother seemed nice. What was her name again?

Vivian Gleason...Gleason.

Julie groaned.

She was standing inside Gleason Tower and Gleason Law occupied the top six floors in opulence. Julie shifted from foot to foot and stabbed the elevator button again, wishing the action would make the elevator hurry.

She was going to be late.


"Darrin." Rich called as he entered the office.

"Rich." Darrin stood and extended a hand over his desk.

"I wonder if you have a girl working for you by the name of Julie?" he said without preamble.

"Nice girl. Temporary you know. Our regular girl went off to the Alps with her husband. Julie's filling in while she's away. Capable girl. Did you need to borrow her for something?"

Rich knew that sometimes the lawyers loaned out their paralegals when something big came up. It saved the trouble of outsourcing and the paralegals didn't mind the overtime usually.

"Yes. Actually, it's something my mother arranged. Julie was afraid to ask for the afternoon..."

Rich let his voice trail knowing that even without dropping the reference to his mother, Darrin's answer would be yes.

Still, it never hurt to back your play.

"No worries. I'm sure Beth can handle the office alone for a few hours. She's all yours. I'll send her up when she gets back from lunch."

"No, that's fine." Rich smiled and waved a hand as he left the office. "I'll send for her when I need her. Thanks, again!"


As he jammed the elevator button, he pulled his cell from his pocket.

"Gracie!" he said to his assistant. "Listen, there's something I need you to do for me."

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