Part Six

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Rich held her chair, and gave her a warm smile.

When she was seated, Rich surprised her further by taking her hand as he bowed his head.

A moment later, Mr. Gleason offered Grace, in a fine clear voice that warmed Julie's troubled heart.

He thanked the Lord for the beautiful meal and for the love of family.

His words were simple, but they touched places in her soul that she'd forgotten. She really was lucky to have both parents alive and two siblings, as well as a brother-in-law. Even if they did drive her bonkers sometimes, she was blessed.

He thanked the Lord for bringing her and Sidney into their lives.

Julie felt tears prickling her eyes at his thoughtfulness at the same time she felt the pressure of a gentle squeeze on her hand.

Rich was letting her know he was grateful to have met them. Peeking through her lashes, she looked at the bowed heads and joined hands of the family around her. Mr. Gleason was so earnest.

He wasn't reciting words, but he was speaking to his Lord from his heart.

Vivian was at his side, their hands clasped and she wore the sweetest smile.

Mr. Gleason asked the Lord to watch over them all and then he surprised Julie yet again.

Although this time, she knew she really shouldn't have been surprised. These were good people that the Lord had sent her to.

Fresh tears welled in her eyes. Mr. Gleason had asked the Lord to give Julie strength to face this new trial. Julie silently added a little prayer of her own.

And please, Lord, Bless this fine family that opened their hearts and home to a stranger and a child.

"Amen." They all said together.

Julie looked up, noticing that Sidney was happy gumming a wooden spoon and smiled. Her gaze went to Mr. Gleason as he stood and began to carve the bird. Vivian met her gaze with a warm smile. Julie opened her mouth to say thank you again but clamped her lips together in confusion.

Vivian's eyes suddenly flashed with anger for only a second or two before disappointment cloaked her entirely.

"Where are you going?" Vivian asked on a sad sort of sigh.

Confused, Julie turned around to see Rich pull his cell phone from his pocket as he headed for the hall.

"I have to take this, Mother. I'll only be a few minutes." At the doorway, he turned to smile at his mother. "I promise, I'll be right back."

Julie's attention swiveled back to the table as Sidney squealed with delight.

Mr. Gleason must have given Sidney a buttered biscuit because said biscuit was clinging to the man's cheek.

Julie gasped, and started to rise but laughter erupted as Mr. Gleason wiped his cheek. With a theatrical bow, Mr. Gleason gave the giggling baby boy a fresh UN-buttered biscuit and then went back to carving as though nothing happened.

"Don't worry, Julie." Vivian brought her laughter to a soft chuckle. With a wink at Joe, she turned to Julie and assured: "Joe has always been a fast learner. He won't be giving Sidney anymore buttered biscuits."

Julie looked from Joe to Vivian to Sidney and then back to Vivian. The woman was smiling and the twinkle of amusement still sparkled in her eyes. Julie blinked.

The woman was serious. Neither she, nor Joe, were troubled by Sidney's antics. Julie let out a sigh of relief and was surprised to realize that she had been holding her breath.

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