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Prattprattpratt Turned out better that I thought it would

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Prattprattpratt Turned out better that I thought it would. 😅


User Are you and Amber dating?

AmberElliot Yes it did😍

User Most likely.

User They were kissing at the race.

User She's probably the reason why Chris and Anna divorced

User She's a slut. Period.

User I heard she slept with Chris Evans at her party. And she was making out with every guy there.

AmberElliot That's a lie^ @user

@AmberElliot Ew so Raw #nomakeup

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@AmberElliot Ew so Raw #nomakeup

282k favorites

@Prattprattpratt Still beautiful 😍

@User 🙄🙄 Attention whore

@KalenElliot There's no need for all the hate. @user

@user well she is. Why doesn't everyone just face the fact that she is.

@User How to would you know?@User 😂 have you met her before? Are you one of her friends? No? Then stfu and leave her alone. If you wanna talk shit about someone look up what @IolaniKellyRacer did to her during a race. Talk shit on her page not Amber's.

@AmberElliot I love you ^ @user ❤

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