Pampered Princess

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Hi Mom, morning," I greeted her as I entered our dining room, then kissed her cheeks.

Morning sweet heart," sang my Mom. She already dressed in her elegant style while sipping tea.

What our breakfast today, Meredith?" I asked my cooker. Meredith is a middle aged woman who worked for almost 20 year for our family, she was like second Mom to me, while my mom was out of town, she would sleep in my room when I was kid. She is the one who handled the kitchen problems so automaticly Mom didn't need to take care of "domestic problems" –that's how Mom said-.

"Well, I'm sorry my dear angel, but today there is only instant pancake with maple syrup and of course your favourite soy milk,' She said apologetically.

Ok, apologize accepted, but I want smoked salmon bagel for tomorrow breakfast," I threatened her while folding my arms and narrowed my eyes to her, trying to be Miss Cruella I am.

"Ohh, how ruthless Lady I got here? Can I withstand all this injustice?" She said while laid down her back hand on her forehead. I just shook my head when she acted like that, couldn't hide my smile. I just curious how many cheesy romantic movies she watched, no wonder she could act like a damsel in distress. Really an actress we got here.

Mom and I laughed when we saw how Meredith acted. She then entered the pantry and brought instant pancake and put it in each of our plate. While Meredith is busied her self, Dady just peeked from the window which adjacent with the dining room and looked all smile to us.

"Hei, what's funny? I can hear your laugh across the room," Dady pasted his face on the glass window. He was the one who funny.

"Dady, seriously," I said while rolling my eyes to him. If anybody saw my dad right now, no one would believe that he is the businessman who build the five star hotel, I mean, look at him, with his careless style, white shirt with dirt everywhere, khaki pants which rolled above the knees, and add the oversized flip-flops. Oh my God, Dady.

Dady then entered the dining room and ate with us. "Anabelle don't forget dinner feast preparation tonight in White Park Hotel, I believe in your capability. Don't disappoint me," He said in his business sound. When Dady entered business mode, no one would dare, even Mom, to argued him. Not to mention all this success we got is from Mom and Dady hardwork, they worked together build this hotel from nothing into fivestar hotel That's why our family really value the hardwork.

After I graduated from Business College, Mom and Dady entrusted the hotel to me while they build the new resort in other city. They really did it whole heartedly with this project so it resulted with me stayed in this city while Lavinia, my sister, study in France.

"Believe me Dady, I am far from disapointment," I said with confidence, kissed my Dady then asked permission from them.

I got to work by my red Mercedes Benz C Class towards hotel. I step down my car then gave the key to the valet and then entered the Lobby. The first thing I met is my manager with his complaint about our out-resorcing employee and my secretary who never stopped yelps about the dinner feast preparation tonight. Oh, this is really never ending works. I even couldn't imagine my self taking a seat in my room today, I really had to set all the things right and perfect.


I sighed, when I entered my room. Finally I have some time alone, all this day I busied my self with hotel issues.

I stopped when I passed a big mirror in the room. There's a reflection of a woman with brunette locks, pale skin and hazel eyes. I sighed once more then slouched my shoulder which I maintained when I work all the time to give intimidated look to staff.

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