Multifunction Tool

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"As you know the reason we come here, Aaron." Dad couldn't finish his words as Mr. Abrahamson cut him.

"To congratulate your daughter, of course." Mr. Abrahamson smiled and looked my Daddy like he was some kind of lame joke.

"No. I mean, yes, yes." He left his words hanged, dazed, then nodded.

"Something wrong?" He asked again.

"No, no! This is good opportunity to unite our family and business. Business of course. And I bring my design for our resort project, please take a look. I believe you will like it." Daddy eyes lit up, he unfolded the blue print and spread it on the table.

"Maybe Dad bumped his head before we come here." She patted my back.

"That's okay, Lavin. Daddy really enthusiast for the project." For a father, he should come to congratulate me first on my engagement day, then talked about business. But might be Mr. Abrahamson banned him to do that.

"So, wanna come in?" She looked at me hesitate.

We didn't want to eavesdrop, it happened when we came, they talked about this, so for the courtesy we waited in the foyer.

"I'm hungry. Let's find something." Turned my back, I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. In a rush, I swept it, people would wonder why the fiancee cry.

"Okay." She followed me quietly.


"You haven't touch your food, Belle." Lavin, looked me worried.

"I did. You just didn't see it." I folded my hem dress.

"Come on, Belle. We are not a child anymore. Eat your food." Lavin insisted.

"Maybe later." I was too balky to obey her.

"Belle, I know you upset..." Lavin started with his remorse speech.

"Can we change the topic?" I just wanted to overlook all that had happened in living room.

"I expect you to obey my words, and here you are sitting in another table." I suddenly heard Rocco's voice whispered in my ear.

Oh, no.

"Oh ok, I'm sorry, I will move right now." I immediately stood from chair and gave Lavin a faint smile.

"Hold on there, handsome! I haven't acquaint my self yet." Lavin yelled at Rocco which halted him to stop.

Stroked his chin, he looked Lavin dead in the eyes. "I knew you, Miss Barlow, even into things you don't want your sister to know."

"What?" What is this all about?

I saw Lavin gaped, her eyes went widen, "You won't dare do that. I warned you."

"I can and I will. So please excuse me and my Anabelle." Rocco gripped my hand tightly then pulled me to him, leaving Lavin there.

"What all of this about, Rocco? It seems to me I am the one who fool here." I demanded an explanation.

Rocco just silent, still walking as holding my hand.

"I want to postpone the wedding." I halted him and said it carefully.

Rocco stopped and turned his face to me. We were facing each other now as Rocco stood close to me, he slipped my hair strand on my back ear then embraced my cheeks.
"Anabelle, this is too late for you to do anything. Your father won't let you stop the wedding, you are just his tool to reach his dream."

"If I can't, then you can do it." I pleaded him, if he hated me, he would want to postpone or even canceled the wedding.

"Poor you, you are just another tool for me. Consider your self as multifunction tool and be an obedient person." He smiled devilishly.

Are all of them are crazy or I am the one who is crazy now?

Rocco didn't wait response as he turned his back still holding my hand and pulled me to our table.

Inconsiderate attitude, fraudster appearance, irresponsible way of thinking. I hate everything about you.

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