3 AM Guest

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Hi there ;)
I'm really happy that I can finish this chapter, finallyyyy.
Hope you enjoy it..
And pleaseee, i hope for your feed back.
Thank you


"What are you up to this 3 am, Anabelle?!" Mom shouted me. I felt so stupid, not till half hour away from house I was kidnapped, almost murdered, and now back to my home.
"I'm sorry Mom, Dad." I hugged my Mom and Dady. I almost forgot they sold me for money until they said.

 I almost forgot they sold me for money until they said

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Up here is Anabelle's home ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

"I'm ashamed of you, Anabelle. Looked what you've done. You just embarrassed your self in front of your husband to be."

I just stunned there, what! My husband? What kind of word was that? Who was my husband to be?
I turned around my head to see the man that held my hand stood near our living room. "Is he the husband to be you said dad?" He shook his head. Okay so wasn't him. So who?
"But Dad, this man stopped me from running away." I appointed the man that stooped me. "He even touched my hands" I couldn't finish my sentence when I heard a man voice.

"Fuck!" I heard a man cussed and then turned my head to the sofa and found a man older than me in dark grey suit.

"I never told you to touch my fiancee! Do you hear me?!" He said with rage to the man who stood near living room. The man just shut his mouth, didn't even dare to speak to him.
The man in dark grey suit then slammed his right hand to our coffee table, I can see the tea cups shimmy and the tea in there spilled a little. I was afraid. Is this my husband to be? I thought. I just stood there and looked Dady in the eyes, tried to give him the look Is this the man whom you want me to marry? I couldn't believe Dady anymore. I knew Mom was the strict one to me, she wants everything going perfect in my life, not even a tiny little mistake. But Dady was the one who always there for me, protect me, cover me for every mistake I did. If Mom made this arrangement, then Dady must be the one who protect me right?

For the rest of my life, I had never saw anybody slammed his hand in front of me and kidnapped me until I met him and it happened to be my future husband. Life turned worst to me if I might say.
Back to the man who held my hand, he just said sorry to the man in dark grey suit, not even dare to look him in his eyes, I then realized his subordinate seemed afraid of him but still came near to his boss like a lost puppy. When his subordinate reached him, he then stood so I could see he towering his subordinate with his tall and browny body. And in a split second I saw him smacked his subordinate really hard. I forgot how to acted like a lady, my jaw dropped when I saw the scene. I stunned for a while until I realize nobody wants to helped that poor man who fell on the floor by the smack impact. My heart broke when I saw this man. What a poor man.

I then ran to the poor man, my feet shaking, when I reached him, he lied down with his face on the floor. I kneeled, with trembled hands I touched him but no responded, I patted his shoulder still no responded, I shook his shoulder with teary eyes but still no responded, then like Mom taught me when I saw a sick person, I held his hand, clinked it with my forehead and ready to pray for his recovery.

I wanted to start my praying when a big and rough hands pulling me rudely until I stood steadily. "Mind to tell me what are you doing?" He said with lowered his body so he was in my eye level. His blazing eyes piercing through me. I forgot how to speak when I saw those greenish eyes bore to my eyes, his flick lashes move upside downside, tried to pulling me in, his thick black eyebrows made me want to run my fingers in it. I opened my eyes widely trying to absorb every perfection that eyes offered to me.

"Are you deaf, mute, or dumb girl?" He said. I brought my eyes to where the sound came from which is his mouth. The movement of that full lips like a swing I saw in grandma beautiful backyard in England. His teeth was seen and it's white pearl teeth like I saw in tooth paste commercial star. I then brought my eyes to The 5 o'clock shadow framed his sharp jaw amazingly and got some weird urge to rub my cheeks to feels his jaw. I saw again his lips, remembered it's pink color and realized that lips turned into a smirk perfectly.
"If you done checking me out then answer me." He said with a husky voice.

I'm so embarrassed. So that what they called "checking out". Oh my God, not in front my parents, girls usually did it in public place not in their home. What a useless youth act I did in my 25 years of life.

I then remembered that this man was the one who knocked out that poor man. Suddenly my anger went up and I have courage to speak to this man despite his godly stature.
"What were you doing to this poor man?! He just doing your errand and you hit him!" I said.
He just smirk like he did all this time when I ranted.

"Anabelle, you are not allowed to speak now. Back to your room." Dady said with stern voice.

"But Dady," I couldn't finish what I said.

"Listen to me Anabelle Barlow!" Dady said again with angry face. My eyes started to produce tears again. Why Dady angry to me?

"No, I want her stay here until I done." The husband to be said still with supression in his face.
Dady just stood still without saying any word, his face turned into flaccid when heard this man demand. I took that as a chance to continue stand here.

"And you listen to me," He said pointed his finger, hinted me to come closer to him. I then come closer like an obedient puppy afraid of what he will do to me if I'm not listened to him.

"I will tell you this for the first and last time. Never touch anybody without my consent." He said with suppression voice. I just nodded my head, didn't have a courage to talked back.
"For the girl who sold by her parents, I presume you as an obedient daughter." The statement he said felt like a venom in my veins. Yes, I am that obedient daughter listened to every parents demands, I knew it, my parents sold me for money.

"Damien, take this body out. I don't wanna see it tainting my eyes." He said pointed the body of that poor man to his other personal guard. I hoped he didn't get serious injuries.

"I don't have time to play this, Rupert. I told you to took care of your daughter and see what you did?"

Who he thought he was? He seated in our sofa while we stood here.

"I'm sorry, son. I will make sure this is never happen again." My Dad said with troubled look on his eyes. It seemed to me he was the one who was my Dad, not my Dady.

"Not yet, Rupert. I'm not your son. I don't make it official yet, so watch your mouth."
What a rude way to talk to older people, I never used that kind of language with my Dady or with everyone.
Dady just stood still and looked down. Dady didn't even dare to look him in eyes. I hate this kind of Dady, it's unusual for him to acted like that.

He dismissed me back to my room, of course he didn't forget to told me to behave like a real woman and reminded me that he put his personal guard to spy me so I can't run again.

This is it..
Thank you for reading, it's still ongoing but I will try to update it once a week.

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