Chapter 1

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The last week of school is finally here. I didn't ever think I would be this happy to wake up on a Monday morning, but this week is an exception because I'll never be in middle school again after this.

'I wonder what the high school Nikki will be like?' My brain drifts off imagining a perfect high school life. I have amazing grades, awesome friends, and I'm high school sweethearts with my boyfriend. Realizing that was never going to happen, I climbed slowly out of bed.

There's one particular thing that's been on my mind though. There's this one boy in my science class that I've had a crush on for a while now. His name is Jason, he has charcoal black hair and deep, mud brown eyes. My friends have been telling me for the past month that he likes me, and I never believed them, until now. He talks to me way more then any of the other girls and he blushes whenever he's around me. There's more reasons, but I just can think of them right now, all I can think about is when I tell him.

I'll tell him on the last day of school. I've been stressing out debating whether or not to tell him, and I've finally decided that I'm going to.

My dad and I pull up to the school in our large, charcoal black, pick-up truck. I hop out, grabbing my royal blue backpack. After saying goodbye to my dad, I head towards the front door of the school. I turn the handle and step in through the large ocean blue doors.

The bell rings for lunch and I pull my head up to check the time on the clock. It's already 11:30. I stand up and walk out of the grade nine math room towards my locker. While I'm placing my binder into my locker I here some people whispering off to my left. I dismiss it as just some friends talking at first, but then I heard someone say something that catches my attention.

"Look at her!" One of them whispered. "That's her!" Being the nosey person I am, I turn around to see who they were talking about, to find that other then them, I was the only person in the hallway. I immediately recognize the faces as Jason's friends Michael, Carter, and Dylan. Carter must have been the one who was talking before.

"Are you sure?" Michael asks Carter.

"Yes I'm sure! Jason was talking about a girl, and it sounded like her!" Carter whispers back to Michael. I pretend that I'm getting something from my locker and continue to listen. "He said she had long brown hair and her eyes change colour. Who else would it be!" Yep they are definitely talking about me, but why? And what did Jason say about me?

Being me I always jump to conclusions, and some of them are pretty far fetched. I immediately think that Jason was probably either telling them that he like me, or that he hated me. But by the way they are talking it sounds like he said that he liked me.

"Let's go." Dylan whispers to the others. "Before she hears us." I laugh quietly. 'It's too late for that' I think, chuckling at their stupidity. 'Not the best spies I've seen.'


Author's Note:

This is my first story so I hope that you like it and it doesn't suck. I'm sorry this chapter is kind of all over the place, I needed a few set up chapters for the rest of the story so I wrote a few chapters that are kind of like backstory type chapters.

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