Chapter 10

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Ed's POV

"I can trust you right?" Taylor asked through the dark. Our silence has become even more irritating since Harry left her with lots of doubts. 

"Taylor" I turned on the light next of the nightstand and rolled to my side so I can look into her blue eyes, "I know you have been wondering many things" she nodded, "I want to be honest with you"


"you make me feel so loved and complete, you drive me crazy all the time because you're an amazing and sweet girl but I'm not, I just found out that love needs honesty and trust and-"

"Ed, what are you talking about?"

"I lied to you and I'm sorry" her confused eyes broke and filled with tears, "please listen to me" I took a deep breath and started, "the werewolf that attacked me when I was a kid has a daughter" her eyes widened, "and I fell hard for you"

 "am I a..." Taylor asked after a moment of shock. 

"no, you're not... but there is more" I had to say, "my curse... ends with his dead" now she was more than shocked, anger and sadness joined while she pulled away from me. Pushing me so hard that I almost fell from the bed.

"you! you want to kill him... am I just your secret piece on this stupid game? you're putting me against my father, you're using me!"

"wait!" I said, she stood up and walked towards the door, but I was faster, and in a blink of an eye I stood between her and the door. She made a step back surprised and gave me a death look, "Taylor, I didn't saw you coming along with him, I was the one scaring everyone to make them call your dad but I didn't put on my plans that he was bringing his daughter, I tried not to fall in love with you but you made it difficult so I decided to forget everything and just be with you, but it changed the night I made you mine" she softened a bit and I felt relief, "I knew I really needed my freedom because I want to live with you and maybe have a family with you and die old next to you, in my future I have only one person and it's you" I finished the last sentence, my heart was beating so fast, my hands were sweaty and eyes teary, luckily her look was soft and delicate just as her and it made me feel better.

"just tell me something" Taylor said, "do you still want your that? your 'freedom'?" I looked down thinking about my answer. I told Steve I was going to use her as a shield against Scott, so we can secretly escape and live together until the end, but lies are not allowed now.

"yes" I said and sighed hoping she understands, "but I do it for us, for your safety around me and our possible future"

"if killing the man that gave me a life, love and family is your way to have a happy ending together, then there's not going to be a future with you and I forever" I saw that she's not truly feeling her words, I could sense her heartbroken, her sadness but not hate at me. We stared into each others eyes for a while and I felt her goodbye coming, I was right, she grabbed her coat and scarf and opened the door.

"the passion and mystery that you hide has always captured me, everything about both of your personalities, if you thought it scared me or affected us it's your own problem, cause I... was fine with it" tears fell from her broken blue eyes, but she stood firmly in front of me, then I saw her walk out. I wanted to stop her but it was late. What I was supposed to say or do? everything is over and it's all my fault.

Taylor's POV

Tears streamed down my face. I have never been so broken and cold but if getting out of his life is the only way I can keep my family safe from pain and war, I think it's my responsibility. Isn't it?

I ran far away for a long time and soon realized I was walking nowhere. It is cold outside, and the noises of animals echo the woods as natural music. A memory showed up on my mind, the moment I stared into the big wolf's eyes, red as his fur, not blue like when he's a human. In that second I didn't knew what to do cause of shock and scare, and for my lucky Ed wasn't going to kill me. In my heart I felt curious about the animal just like with Ed. I love them both, that's the worst part, no matter what he did I'm still loving him hard, feeling a haunting thing around me, more curiosity and adrenaline and passion. 

Minutes later of walking and walking my stomach started to hurt a lot. The pain of my stomach and broken heart makes me want to die. Everything spins around me, my legs became weak and face paled. At the moment my cold body hit the ground I heard someone yelling my name. A scream flew out of my mouth when the pain of my body grew. Soon two strong arms wrapped around me, a hand went to the back of my neck while shaking me, his familiar voice yelled something as a 'don't leave' and his green eyes staring at me were the last thing I saw before passing out.

Dangerous Love - Ted SweeranWhere stories live. Discover now