Chapter 7

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Ed's POV

A house, someone is there, a female, that's good news. Maybe she wants to play a little, I can feel her, she's young and beautiful. Maybe a cat? No, she smells more like a... human? Females humans are not funny. Maybe I should change the play time... oh, the window is open. What a beautiful girl, I hope she tastes as good as she looks.


"Ed! what happened?" Taylor turned on the light and I looked up at her from lying on the floor.

"thanks god you're safe!" I pulled her into a tight embrace, as if she was my trophy and everyone was trying to take her away from me. Which she's. 

"yeah, I'm okay, but what happened?" she asked and pulled away a little just to look into my teary eyes.

"I had a nightmare, I was going to kill you" her face changed into a scared one and then with concerned. We laid down on the bed, my arms let her go and I kept distance at remembering I can hurt her.

"I know you won't do that" she came closer. 

"I'm not sure" 

"you'll learn, I'm not scare of you because I know that when you feel without control you pull away, when you feel secure about yourself you come to me, and sometimes you can behave as one but most of the time you just think the bad things that could happen" I stayed quiet for a while, she's so wise for such a young girl, I feel lucky to have her with me, I already figured out my feelings for this amazing girl but I'm too afraid of a loss. 

"I love you" I finally said and felt my heart healed from every mistake I have made.

"I love you too" I pulled her closer to me and kissed her gently, I have never kissed her like this, it was a soft feeling, and it raced up step by step to the point that we were making out. I moved my mouth down her jaw gently, feeling slowly, behaving right. Her hands slided down and up my chest and then placed on my face, she brushed her fingers all over my face and played with my messy hair, a light moan coming from her mouth. I smiled victoriously and moved up to see her face.

"I can't ask you for more" she murmured, "see, you have the control"

"can I take you out tomorrow? I promise it will be the best trip of your life, like a..." 

"date? that will be great" I nodded, her innocent and sweet smile got me out of control and instead of going back to a deep sleep we just made out until my deadline of control and talked for hours, finally falling asleep.

Taylor's POV

Next day...

"This is so beautiful" I said almost breathless captivated by the beauty of this place. It's a big lake with a cataract and lots of flowers, it's like in fairy tales.

"I'm glad you like it" Ed said while we walked through the colorful flowers.

"so... you take your girlfriends here to make them fall in love in seconds?" I asked giggling and he did too.

"I have never had a girlfriend" he replied and I stopped to look at him surprised, he's an amazing and cute and perfect guy! c'mon!, "you're my first one" he said and took my hand. Wait a second. He just called me 'his girlfriend'? HIS and GIRLFRIEND. I feel like wanting to jump up and down and scream, the butterflies on my stomach got crazy, like if there were going to fly away from their cage. If you ask me how does it feel to be girlfriend of a werewolf I can say that is magical and misterious.

"you're blushing, I like it" he murmured making me blush even more and we continue walking.

"do you wanna jump from the top of the cataract?" he asked with a playful smile that made me laugh.

"are you crazy? I can't climb like you"

"just hold on me" I hesitated a bit and he seemed to notice it, "I will never let you fall love", love with honesty filled his blue eyes. I nodded and jumped on his back, then I saw his legs and arms changing, they turned stronger and hairy. He started to climb the rocks down the fall of the water with me on his back and soon we were on top.

"scared?" I shook my head.

"hey, is that a real wolf?!" I asked almost yelling and pointing somewhere, he turned around in defense and groaning and I took the chance to push him. He fell down onto the water.

"it's not funny" he yelled from the water while I burst laughing, "lets see if you laugh like that again" he yelled and then I barely saw him jump out of the water as a wolf, he shaked his body like dogs do when they are wet and started to climb the rocks. This isn't funny anymore. 

"I'm coming for you" he said in a husky voice, it made my body shiver. I didn't knew what to do and when I was about to jump two hairy arms wrapped around me and we fell. He wrapped me on his arms the whole way down until or bodies got under the deep and warm water.

"it isn't fair" I threw him some water and he laughed, "you smell like wet dog" I said laughing.

"thanks, in my world that's a complishment" 

"yeah? because in mine it means you need a shower" 

"c'mon, you like it" he said pulling me closer and making me crash with his strong chest.

"yeah, I'm used to have pets" I said laughing.

"normal pets, not rare creatures" he smiled and pulled my bangs to a side. 

"well, you can be my rare creature" I caressed his cheeks and kissed him, he kissed back with that human and animal feeling that I love, and made an entrance on my mouth wrapping me tighter. I have never been so in love with someone, and I have never felt this, it's like, cold and warm, dark and light... Ed and I.

After a while he start growling and kissing me harder.

"are you okay?" I asked pulling away just a little, our lips almost touching.

"you're driving me crazy" he said with heavy breath, his eyes darker and then kissed me again, this time it was different, he wanted more and it scared me a bit but my feelings were not agreed with my body cause I wanted the same.

"what are you doing?" I asked between the kiss, I felt that he was carrying us out of the water.

"say you don't want to and I'll stop" he said lying me down onto the soft grass, I just stayed in silence looking into his semi dark blue eyes, "say it" he ordered but I stayed quiet, part of me wanted to know and the other wanted to run, hide, I don't know if love is like this. Your mind and body can be treacherous sometimes but I figured out this wasn't the case. There was a magnetic force that stopped me from running so my silence was taken as an 'I want to'.

Everything became a fight between us and a personal fight between Ed and his control, that's what haunted me. How in one moment he can be kissing me gently and the other trying to eat my lips, how he was holding me lightly as if I was a feather and then wrapping me tight with desire, how his hands ran down and up my body warming it and then trying to take every part of me for himself. He didn't bother to unbutton my clothes and unhook my underwear, he just made them a pile confetti. I felt how he is inside by the way it all happened. He transmitted me pain, exhaustion, fire, hate and his typical 'I want more, I can't stop, I can't control' feeling, but at the same time he gave me happiness, adrenaline, power, desire and specially love. Nobody will never give me that in my whole life, just him, the werewolf that rests next to me, onto the soft grass. Looking up at the stars made me wonder many things, how many girls find real love and in how many different ways you can find it, I wasn't searching for it and it hit me with my guard down. It isn't normal seeing a werewolf and a 'human female,' as he calls me, lying on the grass together after making love in the middle of the magic world of the woods.

Dangerous Love - Ted SweeranDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora