34: Pain

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Harry's POV

I was scavenging through a duffle bag, urgently searching for another pack of bullets. It was something that never occurred to me - running low on weapons or ammunition. Mentally face palming myself, I grumbled a few incoherent swears. Liam's speedy driving wasn't helping me either, which was gradually pushing my temper to the point where I would snap. I looked to my right and observed the three pistols - all half loaded - and two eight packs of extra bullets. If we're going to be having a shoot out with Victor and a couple of his partners, we're all going to end up getting shot in the head.

Running my frustrated fingers through my head of curls, I sucked in my bottom lip to my mouth. "Liam," I said from the back of the van, "I think we're going to have a bit of a problem." My head looked out the tinted windows, watching the road passing underneath the tires beneath us.

Liam gives out a heavy groan from the driver's seat, fatigue clear in his voice. "What can possibly go wrong now, Harry? We don't have the time to fix anything else. We are almost five minutes away." The rumbling of the engine and the soft playing of the radio was all that filled my ears until Liam grumbled a long stream of cusses as well as I did.

"Well if you count being down on ammunition as a major problem, then I'm sure we don't have time to fix that either," I say with sarcasm just oozing from my words. "Being serious," I returned to a stern voice, "please tell me that there's some packs of bullets up there for a .357 Magnum Revolver. If not, I'm going to fucking lose it." I blew out a large gust of air through my cheeks and snapped my eyes towards the front of the van.

Kyla somehow managed to fall into a deep sleep during the whole trip, her body cuddled up on the back that was reclined almost the whole way back. That resorted me into being kicked into the far back of the van. Whatever. Sam on the other hand was on and off. My eyes would flicker every now and then. She'd either be looking blankly out her window, or her eyes would be fluttered to a close as she fell into a gentle sleep.

"Oh this is just bloody wonderful," Liam says, practically grumbling as his one hand was left on the top of the steering wheel, the other rubbing over his shaved head, his jaw rotating in sluggish figure eights. "We find out that our best mate is snatched by a pain in the arse, and now I have to worry about running out of ammunition? Shoot me already."

My eyes rolled at his dramatic scene. "How about you clean yourself up a tad bit and figure out a way that we can actually defend ourselves with? I'm sure a small-arse pocket knife can't compare to a gun that they can wound us with." I ran my palms down my face, taking in a sharp breath.

"You're pretty much saying that I don't have enough shit to do," he snapped, "so shut the fuck up and figure it out yourself."

My eyes narrowed to slits. "Excuse me? When in the name of hell did I ever say that? This is everyone's life on the line here if we don't do anything about it." The pit of my stomach began to boil with anger, my fingers cracking the knuckles.

"Before either of you say another word like that again, I will make sure to chop both of your dicks and stick them in a damned blender. I'll force-feed to the both of you afterwords if you really want," Kyla snapped, however, her eyes remained fluttered closed. "So if you're both snapping at each other like bitchy teenagers, you must have a reason. What do you mean that our lives are going to be on the line?" Kyla's drowsy eyes meet with mine, rubbing some sleep out from them.

Liam snorts. "Harry says we're low on ammunition. If we're going to be in a gun fight with Victor and his men, I think we're all going to end up dead on the floor. We would be doing more damage than helping." Liam stared at the road ahead of him, grassy hills passing by in a daze.

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