04: Injury

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[I'm currently editing this and all of the chapters are ew so this is NOT edited yet]

I was to the point where I was gnawing on my jacket sleeve out of complete and utter boredom. Oh, shut up. Like you've never picked your nose, rubbed your eyes, hummed, or chewed on something during the boring process of something. Kyla sighed, poking my shoulder. I sorely turned my head over to look to her.

Kyla's physical features showed that she was obviously in a fatigue state. I wouldn't blame her, actually. From the time on the dashboard, Harry had been driving us out in the middle of nowhere for over six hours.

Kyla had slight bags underneath her eyes and her top eye lids seem to droop a bit. "I'm tired," she complained to me and lay her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes, her eyebrows furrowing at the same time. I sighed, my shoulders rising up and then back down.

Liam and Harry stayed quiet the whole ride. In fact, Liam had fallen asleep, his head leaning back to the head rest. His mouth was slightly agape as he released soft snores. Kyla's nose crinkles when she opened her eyes, discovering Liam in his deep sleep.

"He doesn't deserve sleep," Kyla complained, "I do." I rolled my eyes and patted her head, staring back out the window, reading a new sign: Welcome to Pennsylvania! I sighed. We're in another state... It seemed too far from Massachusetts. Too far from my family and friends...

"Dear mother of God!" Kyla started to complain, sitting up straight, staring straight at Harry, "When is this car ride over?! I need my sleep!" she hissed, agitated.

"Can you handle another two hours?" Harry asked, now driving with one hand and rubbing his temple with the other hand. Kyla looked at him and folded her arms, stomping her foot down once and hard to the car floor. Kyla shot him a grim look, showing that she meant no funny business.

I nudged Kyla lightly, hoping to grab her attention. Too bad she was so stubborn. I sighed as she didn't bother looking over at me. I leaned back in my seat, folding my arms and looking up at the ceiling of the van. I heard an agitated sigh come from Liam, who must have woken up from Kyla's loud complaining.

"Kyla, you have some nerve to be really obnoxious and wake me up..." Liam growled, sitting up straight, pulling his fingers through his hair, following a yawn. Kyla rolled her eyes and kicked the back of Liam's seat, just to annoy the crap out of him. Liam ignored her and looked over at Harry. "Where are we right now?"

Harry returned to having both hands on the steering wheel and he kept his eyes locked on the road. "We just entered Pennsylvania..." he trailed off and glanced back at Kyla, with a somewhat hard look. "Kyla's being a pain in the ass and is yelling at me to stop at the hotel somewhere nearby." Harry's green orbs rolled, aa he focused back onto the road.

Liam sighed. "Why am I not surprised?" Liam's eyes glanced over to the clock on the dashboard. "God..." he said, taking a deep breath in, and back out, his chest rising and falling heavily. "Harry, pull in somewhere. It's almost eight o clock. You should get some shut eye..." Liam's eyes looked over at Harry's wounded shoulder. "And that bullet shot needs to be cleaned out while we're at it."

Harry didn't reply as he kept driving, not seeming to care. "Harry," Liam grabbed onto the steering wheel, trying to gain Harry's attention. It seemed to work as Harry's jaw clenched, all of the muscles in his face making an effort to hold back a nasty look. "It's getting dark," Liam continued on, locking his gaze on Harry, "Now park into a hotel now. You need the rest. We all need the rest. You hear me?"

Harry let out a huff instead of giving a simple nod or saying 'yes'. Kyla poked my shoulder once again with the nails of her fingertips, and whispered in my ear, "I have a plan. If you follow it, I think we can get out of here."

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