10: Protect

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Sam's POV:

Once the cell phone was plucked of my hands and the call was ended, I gave out a frustrated scream and snapped my direction to behind me. There stood Liam and Harry, Liam dangling the touch screen cell in between his two fingers. My eyes stared coldly at him as my hands clenched into fists at my sides. Anger boiled up inside me, fiddling with my emotions as the figures of Harry and Liam just stood there with smirks plastered onto their faces.

"You have no feelings," I growled through grit teeth, "no emotions, whatsoever in those little contained bodies of yours. Your hearts are frozen, as if they stopped beating - stopped caring."

Harry gave a low and amused chuckle. "We're not dead, darling. We are normal, everyday, living human beings. We walk the earth, such as you do. We eat, sleep, and breathe-,"

"You know that's not what I meant," I spat, sitting up from my spot on the closed toilet seat. Walking stiffly and angrily over to him, I stabbed a finger in Harry's chest. "You have never cared about a single person, have you? I doubt it. I bet you have lived this life for the past years ever since you've dropped - or failed miserably at school."

"Failed? Hell no, I aced it all," he said, rolling his eyes at me, and catching my finger in his hand, keeping it in a tight grip.

I raised an eyebrow in doubt, "Prove it if you did."

Harry gave a little laugh, before he spoke, "One particle of Unobtanium had a nuclear reaction with a flux capacitor, carry the two, changing it atomic isotope into a radioactive spider."

Liam's eyes widened, showing more white than the brown his eyes were colored. I felt like I couldn't feel anything in my face. I was officially bewildered of the concealed knowledge. Harry's face was pleased, looking to see that both of Liam and I were taken aback about what he had just stated.

"What the hell did you just say?" said Liam with a smirk, on the verge of laughing.

"Science," Harry said almost enthusiastically. Harry gave a toothy grin, almost laughing himself. Whilst glaring at Harry, I pulled my finger out from his hands grip, looking at him straight in the eye and telling him through expression what I felt scalding inside of me.

They hung up on me and Zayn, completely ignoring the fact that he was the only thing that I have ever truly cared about, other than my close friends and family members... Zayn was the closet family member I had. I told him more than I have ever told Kyla before, and it seems almost unhealthy... But step that aside, and you'll just be coming face to face with what your scared off most. Take my family away, and my friends, and you'll have me shivering to death. I wouldn't be able to handle anything. I wouldn't be able to handle anything anymore, that is.

"What's going on here?" the calmed voice of Kyla asked, who was standing just behind both Harry and Liam. They turned, Liam slipping the phone into his back pocket. I wanted that phone back - believe me - but not when it is in his back pocket.

I shoved my way through Liam and Harry, making sure that they stumbled as I passed through. Grabbing Kyla's hand, I dragged her through the hotel room, to the door, and shot back a hard look at the two figures that were only lurking a few feet away from us.

"Where not escaping, morons," I spat, making sure that they noticed the sneer that pulled at my lips.

"You better not," Liam growled through grit teeth, "you'll wish you have never lived if you did."

"Believe us," Kyla said, following a pair of rolling eyes, "we already do."

Following a snicker from me, I twisted the doorknob with the quick flick of the wrist, and shoved the door open. Kyla and I scurried out the door, clicking the door closed behind us. We both gave smirks to each other, and whisked down the narrow hotel hallways, stopping over to a small area of which soda machines, and snack machines sat.

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