25: Hangover

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Liam's POV

I felt groggy, and simply annoyed by the fact that my whole body ached. The pain was mainly targeted in my head, a migraine happening to take over my thoughts. My tongue was as dry as sandpaper, making it uncomfortable as I rubbed it against the roof of my mouth - which was as equally as dry. Clenching my jaw, my hand slowly made its way up to my head, the two pads of my index and middle finger rubbing smooth circles on my temple in an effort to calm myself.

My vision was blurry as well, causing for me to squint and blink my eyes until my full clear vision was regained and that I could understand where I was. I immediately recognized the fabric of the couch as my whole left side of my body was being hugged in with the back cushions. A soft brown blanket was thrown over my body, my chest feeling bare in contrast to the rest of my body.

"It's about time that you wake up." I looked over to my right to see Zayn, his back leaning against the couch as he was sitting on the floor. "I thought that you were going to slip into a coma by the looks of how you were sleeping. I guess that I was wrong." His shoulders shrugged as he gave me a toothy grin, his tongue slightly peeking through his teeth.

I slowly began to sit up, the pillow that I was resting on turning into something that gave me leverage and comfort to my back. "What time is it?" I asked, my morning voice being as evident as it could possibly be. The palms of my hands dragged down my face, sharply breathing in through my nose and out from my mouth.

"It's almost dinner time, Liam," he said, almost chuckling at my question.

Immediately, my eyes widened, my eyes snapping over to the digital clock that sat on the book shelf. "You have got to be kidding me," I breathed, shaking my head in disbelief as I slowly began to process these things into my head.

Zayn laughed, making his shoulders jump up and down. "You're quite a pain when you're a drunken mess, but your stupidity made looking after you worth it." His golden brown eyes just sparkled with amusement. His hand reached for the remote that sat next to him, pressing the power button, causing for the television screen to snap into blackness.

My hand rubbed the back of my neck, trying to soothe the tense muscles. "Do I want to know what I did for half of the night, or is it too embarassing on my half?" I raised an eyebrow towards him, groaning once more as a wave of pain rushed throughout my head.

Zayn shook his head, but got himself up onto his feet. "If I tell you all my stories along with Kyla and the rest, I am sure that you wouldn't be as embarrassed, but it seems that you like to climb a lot of things." I didn't have to think for my palm to smack against my forehead. Perhaps I shouldn't have gone farther than being buzzed. "I'll spare you for now," said Zayn, reaching a helpful hand out to me. "I think we should get you some Advil before you start to complain about that killer headache you must have."

My lips slightly moved in a half-hearted smile, peeling off the blanket on me and accepting Zayn's hand. He helped me up onto my feet with ease, nodding me to follow him into the kitchen. The cold floor of the kitchen felt nice against my bare feet, but the rest of the cold air around me left me to practically shiver.

"How bad is that headache treating you?" Zayn asked as he began to look through the cupboards for the medicine basket. "I would have to predict that you want to curl up into a little ball and to start crying." Zayn smirked to himself, finally finding the cupboard that held a lot of bottles and packets of medication.

I groaned, my hands clasping around my head once I sat on one of the stools to the bar. "Yeah," I sigh, "I guess you can say that. I'll let you smash through my head with a sledgehammer." My eyes closed, hearing Zayn moving the bottles, the pills rattling inside if their plastic containers.

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