11: Fleeing

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I smiled into Harry's chest. It felt good to be assured that everything was going to be alright. To be completely honest, I felt out of harm's way. I suspect that Harry's words are sincere and direct. Being wrapped in his arms was the most comforting feeling that I have ever felt since all of his chaos started. Who knows? Maybe I could even get home, safe and sound with no harm done. Maybe I can just head back into my normal life were nothing was out of place.

"Harry," I mumbled, my cheek pressed up against his arm, muscular bare chest, "what do you think Victor is doing? Where is he?" I bit my bottom lip, closing my eyes softly. Harry's grip around me tensed a little bit, an edgy exhalation of air given out through his nostrils.

"Why do you want to know about that prick, Sam?" he asked with a cold edge to his tone. "He's not worth talking or learning about." My fingers at his back started tracing soft circles on the back of his gauze, biting downward on my bottom lip from the sudden edge.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "forget I said that... But, what has he ever done to you? I mean, I get that he practically almost killed you back at the hotel..." I gulped at the vision that it gave me. "But I'm just so curious. What has he ever done to earn your hatred?"

Harry took me gently by the shoulders, making my arms fall from his waist. My eyes looked up at him, my trembling hands gently lying on top of his that were perched on my shoulders. Harry's jaw line was brought tight, showing the anger that must be boiling inside of him. His eyes looked down at me, as if I was misunderstanding everything. And this case, indeed I was. I was confused about all of the hatred... All of what has happened seemed to come into a daze now. It's not like I can control that, anyway.

"I just want to understand what you go through," I admit, "I want to try and figure out what it's like to be you. I want to know... What got you into this? I just want to comprehend the daily thing you go through... Just... Everything."

Harry's head shook from side to side stiffly, "You don't want to know about me. I'm not your everyday person who has a regular job. I don't live in one actual house. I don't have my own real car. I don't want to tell you about what I have been through from the years that have passed." Harry sighed, his shoulders heaving up and down. "My life has never been safe, never."

My hands grabbed for Harry's, and took them between the middle of us. Smoothing my thumb up against the skin of the back of his hand, I spoke, "I can't make you, but its okay. I'm not going to totally just barge into your life. Harry," I sighed, "I just want to know one thing..." Harry's head slightly cocked to the side. "What will Victor do when he gets a hold of any of us?"

Harry's eyes scattered around the room as he tried to think about what to say. His hands squeezing mine let me know that he wasn't going to just leave me hanging. "I honestly don't know," Harry blew air from his cheeks. "And just the thought that I don't know scares me. His boss has just as much power over his men just like Carlisle does. That puts l of us in a deeper situation."

My head shook, and was now hanging. My eyes squeezed shut, not wanting to deal with anything almost anymore. My mind flooded with thoughts of Victor, and what his hands are capable of. The fact that his figure was towering just like Harry and Liam's gave the thought a bigger edge.

"Just forget it then," I mumbled, slipping my hands away and stuffing them into my back pockets. I frowned as I looked down at my clothing. It was all the same thing ever since I have left home. There are the same undergarments, the same shirt and thin jacket, and same jeans. "I have a question though," I spoke, "when can I get new clothing? This is disgusting." My top lip pulled up into a nasty sneer as I continued to stare down at the clothing that I continuously wore.

I heard Harry's chest erupt with a deep chuckle. "That's a good question," he said, rubbing his chin with one of his massive hands. I watched his expression carefully, which was slightly amused. His lips were pulled into a gentle smile as he stared at the wall in deep thought. "Maybe we can stop by Target or something, and get you some clothing? I assume you need underwear?"

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