07: Market

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The skies were just beginning to color up from the rising sun, signaling the morning was to come. Kyla and I sat in the back passengers seats of the van once again, as Liam was forced to drive, Harry sitting this time in the front passenger's seat. My shaken fingers gently touched where Harry's teeth and lips were attacking my skin. The spot was sensitive now, far from the throbbing pain I felt from it earlier on. I hid the mark by having my hair cover the purple mark... Heck, he even drew blood from the bite.

I drew my bottom lip in between both my teeth and bit down. My hand constantly held the spot. But what was worse, was the stinging sensation I had on my lips. I closed my eyes and breathed in through my nostrils slowly, calming my thoughts down.

The car ride has been non-stop sense about five this morning, which Kyla wasn't so happy about. She just about growled at every person we passed in the hallways of the hotel when we did walk out. She's still complaining to her about the incident that Liam caused. If only I could tell her about Harry without her freaking out and throwing a fit. She has never kept herself calm if she's told something like that...

"Are you alright there?" Kyla's sleepy voice broke the silence that filled the car.

My head slowly looked over to Kyla, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion as her eyes looked cautiously at me with suspicion. She held her legs up to her chest, hugging them close with her arms and leaning her chin on her knees, facing towards me.

I nodded, "Yeah," I replied with a fake smile that couldn't possibly get any more obvious.

Kyla's blue eyes rolled. "You've been in that position for the whole ride, and probably for the past hours before that. Did you hurt yourself or something?"

I shook my head, denying everything. "No. My neck is just sore..." Oh, you're neck is sore... What kind of excuse is that? Not a good one that can get past Kyla, that's for sure.

Kyla's arms freed her legs and slid her feet back down to the floor of the van. "What's up with you? You don't look, or even sound like yourself... Move your hand, Sam." Her eyes burned into mine when they made eye contact. I gulped, and shook my head again. Way to blow your cover, Sam.

"What are you two doing back there?" Liam growled from the driver's seat, his eyes occasionally blinking back at us from the rear-view mirror.

"None of your business," Kyla snapped at him, but then she turned her attention directly back to me, taking a hold of my arm firmly. "Now," she says, "move your hand now."

I shook my head again, using my other hand to keep my own arm down in its position to keep Kyla from pulling my hand up and getting to see the obvious love mark that was placed on the skin of my neck. She sighed and rolled her eyes, giving a sudden and hard tug on the hand that covered the mark and held it down to the seat.

"Oh my..." her voice trailed off in disbelief. Her fingertips, without hesitation, brushed over the sensitive skin of the mark. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for what she's about to say. "Who did this to you?" she asked, looking at me cautiously.

My lips formed a tight line when Harry, who still surprisingly awake, gave a deep chuckle from the seat he sat at. My hands gripped at the edge of the car seats. My eyes looked over to Kyla, who was giving Harry a hard look already.

"You little man whore!" Kyla spat repulsion overflowed every single word.

"What are you all fussing over now? Can't this van ever stay quiet?" Liam spoke harshly from his seat, his eye occasionally glancing back at both Kyla and I. Kyla stared straight at Liam through the rear view mirror, a sneer molding her lips.

"You're little friend here made a mark on Sam. What - were you trying to rape her or something? You both are sick, and repulsive!" Kyla spoke directly to Liam through the hard stare through the rear-view mirror.

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