33: Emotions

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Louis' POV

My scream came before my thoughts could even digest what was happening. One thing was first - my phone was snatched out of my hand, cold air hitting my sweaty palms. At the same time, there was a hard blow in my abdomen - struck by a heavy boot. Even through the fabric, the rubber of the sole peeled the protective layer of my skin off. The peeling skin was nothing close to the pain of my throbbing insides. That was enough to have me curling into a ball, showing off my helplessness as I became far more battered and bruised.

When Victor's men started driving the first thing out from the diner last, Victor took the advantage and immediately began beating me to a pulp. I couldn't see out from the shaded windows because the pain was far too excruciating to simply sit up. It was impossible to pull myself up anymore. I couldn't even try and lift my head.

I wasn't sure how long it took them to drive to their destination, but all I knew was that they dragged me out of the van by my shirt in the middle of the night. The starts weren't twinkling that night, and the dark overcame everything. Thick clouds blocked the light of the moon, only adding onto the blackness. When I was being drug out of the van that night, I wasn't admiring the sky. I was being beaten by bare fists, a bat, and the occasional heavy boot.

That was a full twenty four hours ago. I had been dragged into what seemed to be their own stop station like what we had for the Weimer House. I was falling in and out of sleep as they were dragging me through the house, so the only thing I knew was that I was locked in a empty room. No bed. No bathroom. No spare clothing. It was a cold, empty room.

Now I was in double the amount of pain compared to yesterday. Victor was hitting me in all the sore spots that were scattered around my body. My hands are desperately clutching my stomach in effort to keep it safe. My abdomen was the most sore spot on my body. However, Victor was continuing to give me repetative blows to my hands over my stomach.

"You're a fucking wimp, aren't ya'?" Victor hisses towards me, directly hitting me angrily in the hands once more. "All curled up in a ball, whimpering like a stupid little dog. Pathetic," he spits, his top lip curling up at me with a passionate hatred.

I cried out once more as he gave me a terribly hearty kick - one he had been longing to do. He snickered as he stared down at me with a sick grin that revealed his white teeth. His eyes narrowed to slits as he waved the phone in front of my face.

"Please," I croaked, daring for one of my hands to reach for the cell.

Victor suddenly slammed the phone to the ground, the touch screen cracking as the corner hit the floor first. I give out a small and weak sob, only having to watch as Victor's foot came quickly down onto the phone, the screen cracking further across. One, two, three, he stomped harder eack time onto my phone. My heart cracked as I lost my chance to escape.

"Oops," Victor says in a amused manner, kicking the cell phone to me so that it slid directly in front of my face, stopping only centimeters away from the tip of my nose. "Sorry," he says, kicking me once more in the shin, earning a grunt from me.

Choking down another sob, I looked up at Victor with heavy eyes. "Are you trying to kill me? Have you hurt me enough, you heartless bastard?" I tried to sound angry, but I failed and cracked in the middle of my sentence.

"We're killing you when we have an audience," he says plainly as if it was such a simple question to be asked. "So," he swiftly moved so that his long fingers were wrapped around my neck, only using his one arm to hold me up in the air, pushing an unbelieveable amount of pressure onto my jaw, "I am going to have to spare you until they get here. Now, that all depends on whether they want to show up and help their little friend out or not... We'll never know until the time comes." Chuckling darkly, he releases his grip around my neck.

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