29: Introductory

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Kyla's POV

I watched as Sam broke down, her hands trembling of loss, the note falling down to the floor. She gripped onto Zayn's shoulder, shaking it as if she wanted to wake him up from a deep sleep. His face remained lifeless and limp, his dark eyelashes fanning his pale cheeks. It was hard to believe that he was gone. He was gone for forever, and now nobody could do anything about it.

It hit me too. making my throat swell so that I was unable to speak. My hands were shaking out of control, unsure of what to do. Instead, my fingers threaded through my hair. I didn't even give myself a warning as I released a scream of terror, my hands quickly forming fists and slamming them into the hard ground beneath all of us.

I almost forgot about Harry, Liam or Carlisle's presence. Only until I heard Carlisle give out a deep, evil, dark laugh. I turned my head over, my breathes quivery, and looked over to see Carlisle throwing his head back, laughing. It was hard to not wrap my hands around his throat and to cut off his air supply.

I stood up onto my feet, pointing a finger at Carlisle. "You are fucking disgusting!" I shouted, my face growing hot with fury as his laughing only reduced to a chuckle, his posture straightening, his fingers hooking together behind his back "I don't even understand how I am looking at you right now," my voice quivered, my top lip curling up into a sneer.

"Oh darling," he said, "you don't understand. He had a reason to suffer." His lips pressed together to make a crooked smirk, his eyes digging into me as if he wanted to know everything about me. His foot tapped on the ground, one of his eyebrows rising at me.

My head shook vigorously. "No!" I shouted again, "No he didn't! He was innocent, and you're talking smack!" My jaw constricted, too frustrated to say anything else to defend Zayn. My fingers laced through my hair, my blurry eyes looking down at Zayn's broken figure. It wasn't real to think that he was gone. He simply couldn't be.

"I don't know how I lived with you all of these years," Liam growled to Carlisle. "You're just disgusting. If you think I want to kill people, or continue this stupid job, then you're just stupid!" Liam's words dripped with hatred, his top lip curling into a sneer, pure disgust audible in his voice. "I hope you go to hell when you die."

Carlisle chuckles evilly. "I'm your father," he says as if it was the most simple thing in the world, "I gave you food to eat, I give you money to spend, and I put a fucking roof over your head!" His voice quickly rose, his blood boiling underneath his skin. "And this is how you repay me? By putting a fucking gun up to my head?"

Liam laughs sarcastically. "You're shitting on me right now. You're not a real dad," Liam barked, "you killed my mother, and you sent my sister God knows where! Think about it, and I dare you to tell me that you still think like that." Liam rolled his shoulders, rolling his head around and let his neck give a sickening series of cracks and crunches.

"That little bitch deserved-," he was quickly cut off by a gunshot, and he immediately stumbled back as he have out a frustrated scream. Liam wouldn't let his father finish his sentence, so he pulled the trigger in order for him to keep his mouth shut. "You fucking idiot!" Carlisle yelled, one of hands clutching his shoulder. As he removed his hand briefly from the shot wound, he saw blood smeared around his entire hand.

Liam laughed now, looking over to Harry as he reloaded the gun in his hands. "You took my mother," Liam took a step closer to Carlisle, "you sent my sister away," closer, "and you are now putting other people I care about at risk?" Liam's head shook aiming his gun towards his father's head, "That's real sick." My heart fluttered at Liam's protectiveness by just knowing that he was talking about us. About Sam and my safety.

Carlisle laughed. "Alright," he said, "and you said you didn't want to kill anyone, yet you're aiming a gun at my head? That's a bit stupid don't you think? C'mon Li. I'm your father. I brought you to this world."

Liam continued to give him a nice cold stare, showing no emotion - not even when he began to speak. "A real father has their children grow up to be something positive and helpful. Not something that's like you." As Liam was about to pull the trigger, Carlisle growled and quickly grabbed Liam by the leg, tugging harshly and making him lose his balance and to fall backwards. It was all too quick for anyone of us to make a move back. Carlisle took the gun out from his son's hand before he elbowed him straight in the gut.

He pointed the gun up at Harry, who was the only one left that was armed with a weapon. Harry's eyes narrowed to slits, his top lip twitching at the sight of Carlisle. "Don't you fucking dare," Harry threatened with really no threat at all. "Put the gun down before this gets messy."

Carlisle licks his lips, gradually sliding away from Liam who was rolling and groaning in pain on the hard floor. My nostrils flared at the sight of Carlisle being armed, but then again, I didn't move a single inch. I was frozen in fear with the possibilities of what was to happen next.

"If you let me go, I will promise you that we'll have no problem here," Carlisle says, his words holding something more than what he was passing through his lips. "I mean things when I say them, Styles." He looks in between both of Liam and Harry, his eyes deep and cold. "I don't want you two near my fucking building or business again. I don't want you near any of my property. If I catch you, I guarantee you that you'll die even more painfully and slowly than Zayn's death."

My heart stopped completely in my chest, my knees giving way from under me. I fell to my hands and knees, only to listen as Carlisle's heavy footsteps disappeared and vanished to somewhere I wouldn't know. Liam slowly brought himself to his feet, scurrying his way over to me. It brought me comfort as I felt his hand on my back, his thumb rubbing in slow and calming circles.

"You're okay," he said, his other hand gripping onto my left arm. "He's gone now. I promise." One Liam planted a kiss to the top of my head, I cracked. I broke down into sobs, my tears falling to the hard ground below. The cold, hard unforgiving ground. My head turned over to Zayn. I broke down even more. This is real... This is all real.

I broke away from Liam's grip and helplessly crawled my way to Zayn's limp body. Sobbing, I held onto his hand, leaning my forehead against his cold, lifeless skin. I couldn't wrap my head around it. It was something too big to take in, but I saw it with my own eyes. An innocent brother who was trying to set things right, died today. He was so innocent, that nobody will ever understand.

"Don't," I croaked, my head slowly turning to the side as I took in his lifeless, pale face. Sam was crying uncontrollably as well. Her eyes were red and puffy, the skin of her face beginning to get blotchy. "Don't be," I shivered, collapsing back into Liam's arms. He protectively wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me close to him. I buried my face into his chest, as he buried his face into the crook if my neck.

"Fuck!" Harry suddenly yelled, his tongue almost growling the cuss word. I wouldn't blame him.

Liam looked over to Harry, his arms tightly holding me. "We need to go. We need to go and just take them home." His voice quivered just the slightest bit, especially when he looked over towards Zayn. A part of me dies every single time that I look over at him, knowing that his eyes were never going to open again.

"No," Harry says sternly, his angry footsteps approaching us. "We're killing Carlisle's stupid ass even if it's the last thing I do." He says at a volume only of which we could hear. "Are you going to let a sick man like him walk off just like that? If you didn't see, he killed Zayn. I didn't want Zayn to die, and neither did you." Harry crouched down beside Sam while settling the gun down on the ground, and took her into his own protective set of arms. She crumbled at his touch, stuffing her face into the crook of his neck as she gripped tightly into the fabric of his shirt.

Liam sighs, but his arms are still locked around me in a firm hug, almost beginning to constrict me. "Liam," I croaked. Liam looked down at me, one of his hands soothing down my hair, twisting a lock occasionally around his fingers. He gave me one if those looks that just obviously said that he was listening. "Listen to Harry," I whisper, my hands slowly making their way up and tangling behind his neck. "You can't let him get away with it. Don't you want your father to pay back for what he did?"

Liam's top set of teeth sink down into the flesh of his bottom lip, gently tugging as his thick eyebrows connected with frustration. His one large hand caressed the back of my head as his lips planted a feeble kiss to my hot forehead. "I do," he says in a low voice, "but if something happens to both Harry and I, then what? I'm sorry to say this but you and Sam don't stand a chance against him. Look..." He sighs again, his lips briefly pressing together in a tight line. "I don't want to take chances and lose someone else."

I shake my head, my hands moving so that they gently cupped his face. My thumbs gently rubbed underneath his tired eyes, tears beginning to water to my eyes once more. "You miss one hundred percent of the shots that you don't take," I say, giving him a faint smile in hope that it would give him a slight boost of encouragement.

Harry helps Sam up now, keeping her wrapped tightly in his arms, swaying slightly as he whispers inaudible things in her ear in effort to soothe her. I looked back to Liam and rested the palm if my hands on his chest. "I guess your right," he says, "c'mon." He takes my wrists in both of his hands, helping me up onto my feet.

"Can you do a favor for me?" Harry asked Sam, caressing her face in his hands so gently. Sam nodded slowly, sniffling, her hands wrapping around Harry's wrists. "You're going to call 911 for me, and you're going to tell them that a man named Carlisle has a building for drugs, and... murdered someone." Harry choked out the words, his tongue emerging from between his lips as he wetted them.

Sam nodded slowly and took in some long and shaky breaths. "Yeah," she says, looking up at Harry with a smile that was obviously fake to anyone's eyes. Harry bends down and envelops his lips to hers, only making me grip onto Liam tighter.

"What's the rest of the plan?" Liam interrupts, ignoring the little comforting zone between both Harry and Sam. "We're going to need to move quickly and I don't have a gun anymore.", Liam replied. Harry parted from Sam and rolled his eyes as he bent down, picking up his gun and located the knife. He took the knife underneath his foot and kicked it so that it slid in my direction just a few inches from Liam and I's feet.

"Now you have something," Harry says as he nodded Sam off to the desk where there was a telephone. He shrugged his shoulders and nodded for Liam to follow him. I looked up at Liam and mouthed to him, 'Be careful.' before he left to go and do justice.

Carlisle's POV

I moved swiftly throughout my building, knowing better than to trust Harry and Liam as I let them go from their job and upset them to the point of which I could see the hatred in my own son's eyes. I kept the gun at my side as I look long and swift steps down a narrow hallway, the bottoms of my feet scraping against the dirty floors.

I felt my rage accelerate through my body, my teeth biting down so hard on my bottom lip that I felt the metallic taste of blood on my tongue. I've killed a member of my family - so I don't think I will have a problem of plotting one more if I have to. It was never a problem to me, so I'm sure I can sneak away with one more. I was turning now to enter a more of a private office where all of my important and valuable data lies.

Twisting the doorknob, I heard the reloading of a gun. On instinct, my arm flashed up and aimed the weapon in my hand, quickly moving and pulling the trigger so that a shot was being made - the boom of a bullet echoing throughout the long narrow corridors.

I looked over, but saw nothing. I sighed to myself, snaking my free fingers through my hair as I swiftly made my way into my office and flicked on the light switch. I laid the gun on the desk, and let myself fall into my chair, sighing of exhaustion. Days always feel like they're getting longer and longer as I get older by the second. I let my palms of my hands slide slowly down my face, groaning as I began to wonder when this was all going to end.

I shook my head and propped my head up on my fist on my desk, and took my mouse as I began to click through the computer for files on Zayn. I don't care what his family or friends think - the bastard deserved to die. He was in debt, and I had a very short patience. I don't like to be kept waiting when it comes to getting paid for trades. As long as you paid your total, I would have no problem with you. It was quite obvious that Zayn didn't have the knowledge on making sure he had the money when he made the trade - now look where he ended up.

I bit on the nail of my index finger, my eyes glued to the screen as I slowly typed in 'Zayn Malik'. Clicking enter, I found his file with his profile photo and everything. I had all of his information, whether it was his address, his full name, his past deal with drugs, his education, date of birth... You name it and I will guarantee that I have it all saved for him.

Right clicking, I went through several options until I finally got what I wanted. Deceased was stamped in capital red bold letters over his file now, making me smile of relief. Death is a fine enough payback when I don't get what I want. It satisfied me in ways that I couldn't describe in words.

"Carlisle," my name was called in the familiar agitating voice belonging to Harry. I growled under my breath, not even bothering to turn around. "The cops are coming for ya'." The smirk in his voice was so clear, it just tempted me to take my hand and slap him across the face.

Clenching my jaw, his words hit me like a truck. I turned around on the chair, my hands gripping the arms as I stared at him with cold eyes, a sneer barely beginning to play with my top lip. "Get the fuck out now before I shoot you," I grabbed the gun quickly from my desk, aiming it in front of Harry. He was equally as quick, pulling his own gun out.

"Step aside," the voice of Liam commands to Harry. Harry scoffs at me and steps aside in order for Liam to walk over. In Liam's hand, he held the knife that I ended Zayn's life with to his side, his knuckles going white with his right grip on the handle. "Don't think you're going to get away with something so cruel," Liam snarled, his brown irises growing to a dark and unforgiving color. "You're going to learn from your actions, you fucking disgrace."

I snickered, my eyes rolling as I leaned back in my chair, tapping my fingers along the cold metal body of my gun. "You think that you can make me? I'm the adult here-,"

"I'm more responsible than you," Liam interrupted me, his neck veins becoming prominent. "I didn't start a business to sell illegal drugs and kill others. Sure, I may have killed one or two... But it was under your influence because I knew you would kick my ass if I didn't."

I pretended to yawn, looking at him with lazy eyes. "The present day is all about making money, and getting whatever the hell you want," I challenged him. "Wake up and smell the roses, boys!" I threw my hands up in the air, only for them to fall back down to my sides.

"That's because society sucks. People don't realize that everything doesn't just revolve around money," Liam protests. "Why don't you wake up and smell the roses? You obviously have your head stuck in the wall. Get a fucking hard you careless bastard."

My nose crinkled, my eyes narrowing towards him. "If I hear another word come from your dirty mouth, I will be sure to rip your tongue out so that you're not able to say another word." I pointed the gun to him once more, my eyes shooting daggers towards Harry. "You," I spit to him, "drop the gun."

Liam snickered, and before my brain could process what was happening, Liam swiped the sharp blade across my hand that held the gun, immediate stinging sensations radiating throughout my hand and traveling up my entire arm. I gasped, dropping the gun to the ground. Liam took it as a perfect opportunity and quickly swiped it off from the ground, taking it into his hands. His lips spread into a cocky smile.

I groaned as dark crimson blood began to trickle down my arm. All I had was my other hand. I grasped the gushing wound with my free hand, glaring at both of the boys. "Dicks," I spat towards them, chewing down on my bottom lip nervously. They weren't kidding about the police, were they?

"Go," Harry demanded, both of them aiming a gun to my face as they gestured for me to move out from the office. Mumbling angry insults underneath my breath, I stomped out from my office and was forced to walk back down the narrow corridor. I chuckled darkly to myself as I took slow and cautious steps ahead, suspecting that maybe they're messing with my thoughts. It's a trap for something.

"So, where are your little bitch slaves, hmmm?" I asked, a grin curling at both sides of my lips.

Both of them snapped at my words by snarling behind me. "Watch your fucking mouth or we'll blow it off," Harry threatened, his harsh glare digging into my back like he he had X-ray vision. I rolled my eyes as he brought us to a flight of steps to the first floor. I slowly took the steps.

"A bit protective now are we?" I question, arching my own eyebrow although they weren't looking at me directly in the eye. I watched as my hand's bleeding only continued, occasionally dripping to the hard ground beneath me. "I didn't think they'd end up like this, huh? It's a shame that you have to put your darling girls through this."

"Shut the fuck up," Harry barked, his voice dropping an octave, sounding as if he was ready to about break an arm. By the sounds of it, I wouldn't be surprised if he does. "Keep moving. If you say something else that pisses me off and is none if your business, I will be sure to make you stop."

I sigh, sucking my lips into my mouth. In the back of my head, I was still plotting. For both of them. We were now making our way to the front doors, avoiding the open room of which Zayn's body must've been. Lance and Duncan stood in front if each door, their arms crossed across their chests. Their shades were hanging from their shirt pockets, looking at me with confusion.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Lance asks, his eyes switching between me and the boys. He didn't have to finish the sentence when police sirens were heard in the distance.

Liam laughs, "You're going to let us pass, aren't you boys?" He questioned both of them, his gun pointed in their direction while Harry's was pressed up against the back of my head. I had no choice anymore. I had to cave in. I was given no opportunity, unless I wanted to get my brains be shot out.

I sigh, glaring at both Lance and Duncan. "Step back and get the hell out if you don't want to be taken in either." Once I ordered them to leave, they frantically squeezed past me and and the boys, leaving us. My stomach was beginning to do flips inside, listening as the piercing sound of sirens gradually began to increase in volume.

"If you go out now, this will be much much more easier," Harry says. Turning my head I saw the barrels of the two handguns, my heart stopped again. It was funny how suddenly I was losing my confidence in facing them. What am I supposed to do? They have loaded guns and the police are in the other side. My only choices are to either get shot or to turn myself in.

I nodded slowly, chewing down in my bottom lip. Before I opened the double doors, I looked back to Liam and gave him a evil smile. "I'll see you eventually, son. Maybe weeks or years from now... We'll see." I chuckled to myself as his protective expression quickly faded, dropping to reveal a petrified expression. Only I could see it from the angle I was at. Turning back to the doors, I opened them with my good hand, and walked out.

Three police cars were parked in front of me. Apart from the police sirens, I heard the door shut closed behind me. "Oh, you must be looking for me," I shouted to them, shooting an ice cold stare to each every single one of them. "If you want to fucking arrest me, then go on right fucking ahead." I tossed my hands up in the air as they all aimed their own guns towards me.

This isn't it. This isn't the fucking last of Carlisle.





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