Number One on Death's Shit List

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The amount of destruction that the Obscurus was causing throughout the city was raising hell for all the muggles that didn't even have the slightest clue as to what was going on. All they knew was a dark force was racing through the streets, destroying their homes. Tegwen hoped that Newt would be able to get through to Credence and at least talk the boy down before he did anything else, but the sounds in the distance said otherwise. 

The woman was doing her best to assist the muggles that had been caught up in the damage. She lifted the rubble and cleared the debris, fixing up some of the buildings as fast as she could. Many seemed grateful for her actions, although highly confused with how she was capable of doing it. Others didn't take too kindly as soon as they witnessed the magic, some adults kept their children back from her as if she carried a deadly and contagious disease, but Tegwen ignored them.

Her goal was to get as many people out of harm's way, rather than concern herself with what they thought about her. The children took a fast liking to her, as many of them had yet to be corrupted by the views of their parents. They cheered Tegwen on and thanked her profusely showing the beautiful side to the innocence of children. 

She came upon a large tenant building that looked as though a large bomb had gone off, leaving the outside completely damaged. Upon her arrival, a woman grabbed the front of her coat, begging for help. 

"My father is in there! He's elderly! We couldn't get him out of the bed!"

"Alright, calm down," Tegwen told her before she entered the building. The amount of dust and debris in the air nearly choked Tegwen out as she scanned the area  in search of the elderly man. She used her wand to clear it away, allowing her to breathe and see, to the best of her abilities.

The sounds of a muffled cry came from a back room in one of the apartments, bringing Tegwen to  head in the same direction. Of course, her nerves were worked up and her mind kept telling her to get herself to safety but she refused as she pressed onward. More the foundation of the building shifted causing her to lose her balance.

Landing on her knees, Tegwen kept herself propped up on her hands as she heard the old man call out for help. Pushing herself up, Tegwen ignored her own pain and made her way into the apartment.

"Sir?!" She called out, waiting for a response.

"Help me!" The strained voice came as Tegwen ran to the back. In the room, part of the wall collapsed onto a bed where a man laid, pinned to the ground.

His face was red with pain as she struggled to free himself but he was too frail to do so.

"Help me," he begged her. "Please, or at least put me out of my misery."

"There's no need for the latter part,Sir. You're going to be just fine," Tegwen said using the levitation charm to lift the debris off the man. She quickly repaired the rest of the room before kneeling down by the man's side. His legs were bloody and his clothes ripped and stain from the collapse.

"It'll just be a minute before you're as good as new, alright? I just need you to relax," She did her best to keep her voice steady and calm for the sake of the old man that seemed terrified in that moment.

"Are you an angel? A guardian angel?" The man asked as his legs began to heal before his very eyes.

"Eh, no, I'm not, but thank you. Definitely needed the confidence boost."

"What are you then? Who are you?" He questioned.

"Um... a semi-functional witch who often finds herself in dysfunctional situations. I think that's the most accurate way I could put it," she said honestly as she helped him to his feet and disapparated.

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