Making the MACUSA Naughty List

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Tegwen seemed to be on a high since the encounter with the Erumpent in Central Park.She had a bright smile on her face as she ignored how cold she still was until she felt her coat heating up. Turning around, she saw Newt with his wand up, using the Hot-Air charm to warm her arm, along with Jacob. She gave him a little smile before turning to Jacob, who seemed to be in shock.

"That was one of the craziest if not the craziest thing I've ever experienced in my life!" Jacob said as Newt moved on to get the Erumpent situated in her habitat.  "Did you see me dodge it? I don't think I've run that fast since I was a boy. But I...I was moving!

"You were great out there, Jacob, really, you have plenty to pride yourself in," Tegwen said. "Most wizards and witches would have panicked in that situation, but you're a muggle and handled your own. Good for you!"

She gave him a hug in congratulations to his athletic abilities not to be pinned down by a sexually aroused beast. 

"A muggle?" Jacob said pulling away for a moment." I thought I was a No-Maj?"

"It's the same thing," She informed him. "Although, I much prefer calling you a muggle, No-Maj sounds so negative."

Jacob smiled. "I agree, I've been told No all my life, I'll take muggle."

"That's gre-" Before she could finish, the walls began to shake and one of the vials crashed to the floor, spilling pills everywhere to the floor.

Newt came running back with an accusing look as he looked in the direction of the two. Jacob pointed at Tegwen who glanced over at the man.

"Hey! It wasn't me!" She said smacking Jacob's hand away. "I don't-"

The walls shook again, almost as if they were experiencing a small earthquake.

"What's going on?" Tegwen questioned. Newt didn't answer and quickly made his way to the stairs to find that they were locked into the case.

"Someone locked us in here," Newt said grabbing his wand to open it, but the shaking came to an end abruptly. Then the sound of the lock opening sounded in their ears. 

Tegwen looked incredibly worried and Jacob looked highly confused, leaving Newt to be the first one to exit when the case opened. Newt disappeared as he climbed out before Tegwen motioned Jacob to follow. When she stepped out of the suitcase, she found herself in front of the MACUSA and dignitaries from all over. She let out a whimper, wishing to jump back into the suitcase. She looked over to see Tina standing there, looking slightly guilty, obviously the one who had brought them there.  Although, she seemed to question why Tegwen was with him. 

"Scamander?" They looked over to the Minister of Magic sitting close to them. Tegwen immediately turned red in the face.

"Oh, er...hello, Minister," Newt greeted the man as he closed his case over. Suddenly, the topic of Newt's older brother, Theseus, was brought up. The decorated war hero that Tegwen remembered seeing in the papers plenty. Newt claimed that he was really in New York to purchase an Appaloosa Puffskein, before the Minister looked over in Tegwen's direction.

"Ms. Gittins?"

"Oh no," she whimpered as she faced the Minister with an uneasy smile.

"I was just talking to your father the other day at a quidditch match, he said you were out in Giant Country," he said.

"Um see, I was, but I finished my trip there and came-"

"Came back to cause trouble?"

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