Will the Real Tegwen Gittins Please Stand Up

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Tegwen would have like to say that she enjoyed a good night's rest, but it was far from it. It felt like she had hardly slept for more than a few minutes before she was rudely awoken by the cell door open. After returning from her long travels, the woman had only expected to send the letter to her fathers and enjoy a small lunch before returning to her place to sleep, but the world seemed to have other plans for her. She was running on empty from the lack of sleep and was jerked up to her feet roughly by a woman in a white coat. Newt and Tina were also directed out of the cell and forced to walk away, leaving Jacob behind.

Newt turned around to look in Jacob's direction. "It was good to make your acquaintance, Jacob and I hope you get your bakery."

Jacob's hands gripped the cell with a worried look as Tegwen swallowed the lump developing in her throat. She saw the man give a small wave before she nodded her head and tried to give him a reassuring smile. He would go on and have a good life, not remembering any of the crazed incidents that he had been involved in. She, too, hoped that he would open up a bakery because he had produced the best pastries she had ever tasted. He needed to share them with the world, she was sure people would be much happier if they were just stuffing their faces with tasty pastries.

Fatter, but happier.

She was brought inside a cold room to sit, the dim lighting messing with her eyes as she was forcibly sat down in a chair. 

She glared in the direction of the woman before she was left alone, still leaving her shackled. She was left alone for quite some time, her stomach growled loudly echoing in the room and her head ached terribly from dehydration. She had been so focused on watering Freudrick that she didn't water herself.

After awhile, the door opened and Mr.Graves entered the room, giving her a look before sitting down across from her.

"Where are the others?" She questioned immediately.

"Did you know Mr. Scamander prior to his time in New York, Ms. Gittins?" Mr. Graves asked her leaning forward on the table and folding his hands. She suddenly felt the shackles drop giving her the use of her hands back. She rubbed her wrists but did not answer the question.

Seeing the file on the table, she was sure Mr. Graves already had all the answers to his questions right in front of him. 

"I'll ask again," Mr. Graves said. "Did you-"

"Yes," she said in a monotone voice. "We went to school together for a few years before...."

Her voice trailed off and she looked down to the table.

"Before Mr. Scamander nearly killed you, am I correct?"

Tegwen's jaw clenched as her upper lip curled up in a sneer but she didn't look at him.

"I find it odd that you teamed up with Mr. Scamander after all you've been through with him."

"It wasn't exactly planned," She grumbled.

"Right, because you only returned from visiting with the giants, just yesterday, right?"


" What a coincidence that you arrived back from your travels, the same day that Mr. Scamander arrives. "

"Should have I sent him an owl to check and see if our schedules would conflict?" She huffed.

He continued going through her file, ignoring the attitude she was given him.

"You go through a lot of trials to get these plants, don't you, Ms. Gittins?"

"I don't see how this is relevant,' she wrung her fingers back and forth as she brought herself to look up. Mr. Graves stared directly into her eyes noting the injury in her eye.

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