Twiggy's Terrible Tuesday

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Tegwen's focus was set on the pastry in her hand, trying to drown out Tina as she continued to questioned Newt.  Tina wasn't going to let her go and the problem was Tegwen couldn't return home because Tina knew exactly where she lived. She figured she could go run off somewhere in the city, but that wouldn't work out so well, crowds weren't her thing and there were plenty of crowds in the city. The woman had never felt so stuck in all her life, except for the time where she got her head stuck in the stair banister because she insisted that her head wasn't too big to fit.

It was too big. 

It led to her embarrassment and provided plenty of entertainment to her fathers to walk in and find the eight year old stuck on the stairs. Years later, it was still brought up every Christmas at the dinner table. 

Currently, she wished that her head was wedged back in the stair banister, rather than her standing in the Wand Permit Office with Tina and Newt. Tina was obviously upset that she made a fool of herself, not only once but twice in one day in front of two very important individuals. Things weren't getting any easier as Newt wasn't giving her any straight forward answers. Instead, he kept trying to move around to get in front of Tegwen, but she continued to avoid him whether it was with paper or pastry to hide behind.

"Well, we're not going to solve anything standing around here," Tina said rubbing her forehead. She leaned forward and snatched up the suitcase full of pastries before Tegwen could grab another.

"Aww," Tegwen muttered under her breath. She had to admit, they were quite addicting, and she definitely had to get the recipe from the man or something. Her stomach was awfully thankful in that moment as the growling ceased finally. 

Able to lick the glaze off her fingers, Tegwen reminisced in the pastry for a moment longer before Tina called to her again.

"Tegwen, are you coming?"

"Is no an option?" She called back in a hopeful tone.


"It was worth a short," She sighed before wiping her hands on her jumper and walking out of the office. 

As soon as she walked out, she found herself face to face with Newt causing her to jump.

"Twiggy,' he said in a soft voice, trying to make sure that he had the right person.

"Uh, no, I'm sorry, you have the wrong person," she said placing her hand up to the side of her face and brushing past him. 

"You two know each other?" Tina asked with a suspicious glance back and forth between the two.


"Yes," Newt answered looking over at her. "Tegwen Gittins."

Tina looked at Tegwen for an explanation. "He's lying, he obviously picked it up from everyone saying my name today. That's all. We're leaving, right? Yes?"

She hurried past Tina and made her way to the elevator while Tina cast a glance over her shoulder at Newt. 

Tina placed herself in the middle of Tegwen and Newt, much to the woman's relief as she leaned her head against the gate of the elevator. She just wanted to return home and take a long nap.Preferably one that would last a hundred years so she could wake up and everything would be much different. 

Although, she would be old.

Very old.

She grimaced until she heard Newt clear his throat loudly before he leaned back to look behind Tina's head, over at her.

𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐘⟶ Newt ScamanderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant