Wait! You Forgot the Plot Twist

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Tegwen heard the commotion in the distance and was terrified about the scene that she was going to come upon. However, she pressed on and saw the light at the end of the tunnel, but suddenly heard Tina's voice calling out. Relief washed over the woman to know that Tina was alright, but her heart rate began to accelerate even more as she didn't know the whereabouts of the others. She pressed her back against the side of the tunnel and inched her way towards Tina's voice, keeping the Auror's wand ready.

"Credence! No!" Tina yelled as Tegwen reached the mouth of the tunnel. Her eyes focused on Tina but immediately went past the woman as she saw Newt and Mr. Graves on the tracks with the Obscurus looming over them. She couldn't believe her eyes as she saw what Credence had become. A swirl of black that symbolized all the repression the boy had faced, from all the years of hiding of what he truly was. She felt guilty for not realizing that the boy was one of them, and she was certain that Tina was feeling the same exact way in that moment.

All the moments of what could have been weighed heavily on the group as Tina stood a little ways away from the Credence, who's gaze fell upon her. Many would associate the black swirl with evil, but in that moment Tegwen could only see it as innocence. The innocence of a boy that had been let down. The society he had grown up in had raised fear in the hearts and minds of muggles and magic folk. He had been caught in the middle, unsure of what to do or how to find help. 

Yet society on either part was not willing to budge on their views. They were willing to remain enemies rather than coming together to help one another.  Enemies on both sides were being born and raised every single day.

Tegwen's mind immediately went back to Paul and how much he appreciated the magic. How it brought a smile to the boy's face when he spoke about the Erumpent. But under the MACUSA law, his mind would be obliviated and he would grow up hearing people like Mary Lou Barebone bash the idea of magic, claiming it was evil. His innocent views of magic would be tainted and he would probably grow up to be like one of the people that had hurt Credence. 

She couldn't help but think that Credence certainly wasn't the first Obscurus and he certainly wouldn't be the last at the rate the world was going. More and more children would find themselves hiding who they truly were and what they felt in fear that they would be labeled as monsters by their family and peers. Eventually, all the pain would build and build until the point of no return.

"Don't do this, please!" Tina pleaded with Credence. 

Newt looked over urging Tina to keep talking to the boy that was hiding behind the darkness.

"He'll listen to you! He's listening to you!"

Credence's form moved towards Tina like a frightened child, which was exactly what he was. Nothing more than a frightened child looking for someone to help him. Tina had been the person to rescue him once when she saved him from one of Mary Lou's beating. His desperation had heightened, hoping that Tina would save him and take him away from all the pain that he was experiencing. 

"I know what that woman did to you...I know that you suffered..."

Tegwen could feel a lump develop in her throat again as Tina tried to talk Credence down. She couldn't believe it had come down to this, Tegwen didn't understand why people placed themselves in the position of having or caring for children when they weren't going to care for them. If a person's only wish was to bring harm to a child, or if their anger was brought about by a child, Tegwen didn't know why they would place themselves around them. 

The creatures inside of Newt's case weren't monsters, humans had shown a much scarier side than beasts inside the case. None of them had caused as much damage as what the humans had done. They may have caused structural damage and may have a bit of a nuisance, but they didn't destroy a boy from the inside out. 

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