Large and in Charge..and Rather Horny

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"Here, let's head down this street," Jacob suggested leading the way through the streets of New York. After watering Freudrick the Plant, Tegwen made sure that the plant would be fine in her absence for she left with the two men. Although, she was awfully tempted to stay behind and just pass out in her bedroom. But Newt had kept his promise to help her, so she figured the least she could do was help the man in return. The sooner she did, the sooner he would be able to leave and her life could return back to normal. Or as normal as it was going to get. 

She trailed behind the men, slightly shivering from the cold, winter night air. She wrapped her arms around herself tightly and observed the shops with all the fine China and jewelry around them, completely unaware of Newt stealing glances at her every so often over his shoulder. Her mind was occupied with her plant, trying to figure out what kind it was as she had never come across it in any of her books. The excitement of discovering a new type of plant certainly lifted her spirits and helped her ignore the cold.

Newt thought about offering his scarf to Tegwen as he saw the woman shivering behind them, he would have even offered his coat, but he knew she wouldn't take it from him. She wouldn't even take his hand to help herself off the ground, so it was safe to say she wouldn't accept another kind gesture. 

He turned back to Jacob, who was walking beside him. "I was watching you at dinner," he informed the man.

Jacob glanced over at him with a questioning look. "Yeah."

"People like you, don't they, Mr. Kowalski?"

The man looked confused by the sudden question but gave a little shrug. "Oh well..I'm..I'm sure people like you too, huh?"

Newt looked over his shoulder again at Tegwen to see her fumbling about with her coat. 

"No, not really. I annoy people."

"Ah," Jacob said unable to come up with a better answer. He glanced back after noting Newt turn around several times to look at Tegwen. "You two know each other...before this whole mess?"

The man kept his voice low to keep Tegwen from hearing their conversation, but Tegwen was already occupied as she was muttering to herself about something. 

"We went to school together," Newt told him.

"Aw, that's nice-"

"And I nearly killed her," Newt finished.

"That's not so nice! Why'd you do that?" Jacob questioned.

"It was an accident, one I could have prevented was all my fault."

He gave no further explanation, leaving Jacob wanting to question plenty. But seeing the hurt expression on the man's face, he decided not to pursue it. Newt took it upon himself to change the subject.

"Why did you decide to become a baker?"

Tegwen had narrowed it down to two categories that Little Freud the Hungry could fall under when she crashed right into Newt's back. In a slight daze, the woman looked around, wondering why they had come to a complete and abrupt stop. Following Newt's gaze, Tegwen was able to note all the shiny pieces of jewelry that littered the ground, from diamonds to coins. She raised a brow as Newt followed the pieces and came upon a jewelry store to find his niffler.

Jacob looked to her but she grabbed the man by the sleeve of his coat and pulled him along to follow.

Newt stood in front of the glass peering inside the shop with a look of disbelief.

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