Disastrous House Plants and When to Water Them

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Newt left Jacob to feed the Mooncalves, and the man seemed to be enjoying himself in the presence of the little hopeful creatures trying to get some food. He walked around, trying to tend to all the hungry cries that were coming from all around while keeping an eye out on Tegwen, who continued to sit in place. Her eyes were observing everything around her, with her head slightly tilted.  He thought about saying something to her, but he figured she needed a few moments to himself. Seeing her looking around with a look of wonder on her face as she looked at the gentle beasts around her, brought Newt back to a specific memory that had stayed with him after many years. 

He thought back to the time where he was in his fourth year coming back from an excursion in the Forbidden Forest. He kept his head low as returned towards the castle grounds, knowing he had to be mindful of his surroundings, due to the creatures or at the risk of being caught by any of the professors. He had reached the outskirts of the forest when he heard humming. At that point, the humming was familiar. He heard it in the corridors, in the classroom and some morning and afternoons he would hear it in the Great Hall.

Tegwen Gittins definitely enjoyed humming her little tunes of songs he had never heard before. He wondered if she made them up but he never thought to ask. They shared plenty of classes together over the years, but Tegwen always appeared to be a shy individual but openly friendly at the same time if that made any sense. She hid behind books in the class, not really talking unless the professors called upon her to do so. But she always wore a smile, greeted people kindly if they greeted her and overall was just a nice girl. 

Leta Lestrange was the complete opposite of Tegwen,  heavily guarded and did whatever she had to in order to survive in a world that seemed to be against her. It was what attracted Newt to the girl back in their first year because the Slytherin girl was not afraid of breaking the rules. She was a fiery spirit, but Newt would learn that it wasn't always a good thing. 

Following the humming, Newt found Tegwen sitting near the forest with her Herbology book in hand, and looking in the direction of the forest. She  was scribbling several things down, as they had the same Herbology class coming up that afternoon. She was humming to herself, a slow and soft tune that reminded Newt of a lullaby. He sat down leaning his back against the tree, listening to the song until he heard it come to the end. 

Confused as to why the humming had come to an end, Newt turned around to see that Tegwen was no longer sitting, but on her way to the Greenhouses. A clear sign that he had to head to class himself.  He pushed himself up and made his way to the greenhouse, arriving as the second student behind Tegwen.

He walked in and saw Tegwen sitting in her usual spot near the back, her book still open and covering her face. However, he could see her hair poking out from outside of the book, which brought a smile to the boy's face. Stuck in the girl's hair were twigs and a couple of small leaves, causing him to ask the question to himself of what she was up to earlier.

He chuckled to himself, really enjoying the twig sticking straight up and poking over the book. His laughter though made her look over her book, her brown eyes widened completely unaware that there was someone else inside the greenhouse. She gave him a small smile, revealing the bright twinkle in her gaze before returning to her book.

Tegwen blinked several times before giving her head a shake to snap herself out of the daze she had fallen into.She looked up to see Newt moving in a direction fast and Jacob no longer in sight. She stood up and touched her hand to her forehead before following in the direction of where New disappeared. She passed through a wispy curtain to see the two men standing before an Obscurus.

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