Espresso Patronum!

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The boy lifted his head as Tegwen was crouched over him, shielding his body with her own as some other parts fell around. Tears escaped from the corners of her eyes as she took the hits unable to move. However, she wasn't only upset from the physical pain brought upon her body, but at the sight of her wand snapped in half as the refrigerator had destroyed it when it came crashing down. It was just another thing to add to her problems as they were still in danger and not in the greatest condition to go far.

However, her hands tightened into fists as she forced herself up. There had to be a reason as to why she continued to dodge death's grip and she wasn't about to give up. Standing up, she lifted the boy to his feet to get him to safety and back to his family. He held onto her tightly as she staggered towards the hallway to get out of the building.

The building groaned as it was getting ready to collapse. Tegwen was cursing herself for not being fast enough to grab her wand. The wand had been with her since she was eleven years old before she started at Hogwarts. She felt almost naked without it but she knew there was no sense in dwelling on it.

There was an opening allowing them to escape and be greeted by the cold, fresh air that seemed to wake the boy up a bit more. But she was not counting on the street being abandoned as they stood outside. The street had been evacuated as people were anticipating the building going down. She didn't see the boy's family anywhere or anyone to help them.

Pushing her body far past its limits was catching up with her as she nearly fell with the child in her arms. The boy's fingers clutched the front of her coat hoping that she wouldn't drop him.

"It's alright," she said," I got you."

"Are you okay,Miss?" The boy asked her.

"Oh, I'm great. I just...I just need," Tegwen told him.


"Yes, lots and lots of coffee. And a really long holiday."

"Your voice sounds funny," he told her. " I like it a lot."

Tegwen smiled as she looked down at the child as he grinned up at her. He looked incredibly tired but she was glad to see a smile on his little face.

"Can you sing the song again?" He asked with a yawn.

She had to fight back her own yawn before she nodded her head and began to hum.

"Do you know the words?" He interrupted her, bringing her to chuckle. " What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you just sound like someone I know," she said.

"Oh," the boy said. "Hey Miss, what's your name?"


She listened as the boy struggled to repeat it in a stammer.

"Or you can call me Twiggy," she said making it easier on him. The boy giggled.

"I like Twiggy! Miss Twiggy, I think I had a dream about you."

She glanced down at the boy. " I'm sorry?"

"I saw you in my dreams! I told my momma about it. There was this big monster with a big horn! A big,big,big horn! Momma was scared and my brothers and sisters but I wasn't."

" You weren't?" She raised a brow at him. " Not even just a little?"

"No...well..maybe a little bit then you told me that I shouldn't be. So I wasn't! Are you sure I don't know you, Miss Twiggy?"

"Well, you do now. But now I need to know your name. It's only fair since you know mine."

"My name is Paul. I was named after my pops, but...he died in the war along with my momma's brother."

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