Social Vegans Avoid Meet and Greets

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Dearest Tegwen,

You know it is not in my nature to make a scene or be the overprotective parent but after a few weeks I cannot help but wonder why you have yet to return any letter to your father and I? We were on good terms during your last visit, or at least, that was the impression I was under. Perhaps I was mistaken or maybe you are just busy with work. I like to believe it is the latter, in order to set my own thoughts at ease.  I know you take your job very seriously, dear, but as your parents, we do like to make sure that you alright. Hopefully, this owl and letter will find it's way to you and we will hear from you shortly.



P.S. Please respond soon before your father walks a hole into the floor from his constant pacing.

Tegwen Gittins walked into her small flat, reading over the letter from her fathers that had arrived just as she did to her building. 

"Alohamora," she said tapping her wand on the outside of the lock to gain entrance. Shortly after opening the door, she was greeted by the musty smell of her home that hadn't been inhabited in months. She scrunched up her nose and held back a sneeze as the dust in the place attempted to smother her.

"Tergeo.." The woman muttered directed her wand in several directions to clean up the place.  After weeks of being away for work, it was obvious her place needed a little tender loving and care and judging by the painful aches in her body, so did she.

Flopping down on her sofa, the woman exhaled loudly as she rested her head back and closed her eyes. She wanted to go to sleep, but with the letter in hand from her parents, she knew she wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.  She was fortunate to say that she was not on bad terms with them, nor was she ignoring the men.  Her job was just very demanding and most times left her so incredibly busy that she lost track of time and days.

As a specialist in Herbology, Tegwen had a very special job in the field that involved working to find rare species of plants that were normally used for healing draughts and potions. It involved plenty of traveling, mainly on land, but she had ventured to sea plenty of times. She spoke with leprechauns, merfolk, goblins and giants, all to gain access to the plants that were of high importance and greatly needed.

It was the perfect job for a woman who couldn't properly function around her own kind. Able to communicate without problem with other creatures, Tegwen couldn't even bring herself to make eye contact with witches and wizards. After all she had been through in her adolescent years, she didn't know many people to be of the kind nature. It was one of the many reasons she fell into studying plants because they didn't say awful and nasty things to her. 

As a grown woman, it seemed silly for Tegwen to hold onto the memories of her school years, but it was still something that continued to haunt her. The things that were said, the way she was treated, everything that she had tried to push to the back of her mind, somehow always made their way back as painful reminders. 

The silence was overwhelming in the flat, despite the noises occurring outside, Tegwen felt as though it was eerily silent. With a wave of her wand, she started up some music to set her mind at ease. Despite it being mid-afternoon, she still had plenty of things to do that day.

However, she would make it her first priority to write to her fathers first to reassure them that everything between them was just fine. Pushing herself up from the sofa, she walked over to her kitchen table and summoned parchment paper and a quill to begin her letter.

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