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pov: yoongi
I tug and tug at the handcuffs, cursing jimin. I'm more focused on getting my hands free before my grandma sees this scene, but part of me wonders why I had a wet dream. a wet dream about jimin, at that. I really don't feel any kind of attraction towards the junior, yet something triggered a wet dream. I shake my head and continue trying to figure out a way to escape the handcuffs.

after about 10 minutes of effortlessly squirming around and wiggling my wrists, I'm still not free from the handcuffs. I decide maybe breaking them will be my best option, but that means I would have to go back to a sex store to buy another pair. yet again, I didn't actually need them. I didn't plan on really using them anytime soon, and I normally don't use sex toys unless my partner wants to. so breaking them is the only thing I can do. I brace my fists and prepare to tug as hard as I can. I yank my wrists, and the first couple times I repeat this process, nothing happens. after another yank or two, I can feel them snapping apart. I continue the process, and pretty soon, the handcuffs split apart. I use my right hand to grip the left handcuff into place, wiggling my wrist free of the handcuff. I do the same for my right. I rub my wrists gently, frowning at the red marks it left all around my wrists.
suddenly I remember my bed sheets still need to be changed and i still need a shower, so I free myself of my clothes and toss them inside the hamper. I tug the dirty sheets off the corners of the bed, tossing them with my dirty clothes. I make my way over to the shower and turn it on, feeling the warm water run over my hand and in between my fingers. it feels nice along my cold skin.

when I step out of the shower, I put on a clean shirt, boxers, and basketball shorts. I towel-dry my hair so it's damp, but not damp enough to drip. I let it fall freely on my forehead. I unlock my door, which I don't remember locking in the first place, and make my way down the stairs. I'm greeted by my grandma and a disappointed expression. "what?" I ask and she clicks her tongue. "You fell asleep while your boyfriend was here? seriously yoongi? that's just rude. you made him eat dinner by himself, and then he had to walk home by himself too! he said nobodies at his house so he can't have anybody pick him up, and he walked home with you. how rude," my grandma says, shaking my head. so he guilty tripped her into yelling at me? that bitch. "gran, you don't understand. he's not my boyfriend, I do not like him. I feel no attraction at all towards him, he's the one who has a crush on me. he's used to everyone being in love with him, and I'm not, so he keeps trying to impress me. and for the other stuff, he doesn't care. a little exercise won't hurt. plus, I was pressured into letting him come over in the first place. plus grandma, don't laugh, but he handcuffed me to my bed and did something to make me have a wet dream," I say. my grandma laughs. "wet dream about what?" She asks. "me and jimin.." I shiver in disgust at the thought of what I'm about to say, "..having sex." my grandma laughs hysterically. "it isn't funny! ugh, ew i dont even want to think about it!" I exclaim, tugging at my hair. "oh, the thing itself isn't funny, just you think making some excuse up as to why you're dreaming about him and blaming it on him is funny," She breathes, and I stare in dumbfoundment. "grandma, I would never in a million years fall for jimin, nor have sex with him! that's just fucking gross, agh," I complain, scrunching up my face. "oh yoongi, maybe not now," She says, turning around and walking away.


the next day is okay, up until I have detention. of course when I get in there, 30 minutes late this time, Jimin's in the back. I take my now preserved spot next to him. "park jimin what the fuck?" I ask immediately and he grins. "what?" He asks innocently. "Don't ever fucking do anything like that again or I swear to god I'll break into your house, tie you up, suck your dick, and then leave you hanging," I growl, not sure if I mean that or not. "oh, babe, don't worry. just the thought of you can make me come," He says. I ignore the pet name and think of something that jimin will hate.


"You're a bottom, right?" I ask, and he nods. "I'll make you top," I say and he immediately begins to worry. "okay, okay I promise I won't do something like that again!" He says and I grin. "damnit, I could've just sucked your dick and put a cock ring on you," I say, shaking my head in realization. "Fuck, no don't do that," He says. I grin to myself.


lmao idk what's even happening anymore. but why do people make top!jimin ffs? that reminds me of like somebody with dwarfism fucking yoongi lmao

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