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mrs. kim restarts their time so the two have 2 hours to sit here and do absolutely nothing. yoongi and jimin are both sitting here doing absolutely nothing, and he can see the boredom and discomfort in Yoongi's eyes. jimin sighs and rests hus chin against the palm of his hand. yoongi groans and puts his head down. "okay boys. you can talk. but talk quietly and I want school appropriate conversations. but this is the only time I will allow you to talk. I expect you to take my rule seriously next time," mrs kim says, focusing the last part on Yoongi. "for fucks sake, I thought I was gonna lose my head of boredom," Yoongi whispers quietly . "me too," Jimin agrees. he prays that yoongi won't bring up what he had said earlier. "so.. about what you said earlier.." Yoongi pauses and Jimin mentally curses himself. "You think im hot?" He finishes with a sly smile and a wink. "It's whatever," Jimin says, trying to play it off. "Well, that's weird. I always thought nobody was good enough for you? it's weird the moment you see just one senior you're drooling immediately," Yoongi whispers, leaning closer and closer, and the junior gawks at him. "W-what? how do you know that?" Jimin asks, his eyes wide. "well, girls and guys in my year practically drool over you, but they all complain that you turn them all down. they say something about you not thinking anyone's good enough for you? but they don't care. they think you're literally the hottest guy out there. my friend said something about you being crazy about everything being perfect," Yoongi rambles, seemingly pulling irrelevant facts from separate parts of his brain. "woah, even the seniors like me?" Jimin says, surprised. he knew he was overpowering, but not to the point where the seniors gawked over him. "Yea, I guess," Yoongi shrugs. "damn. do me a favor and tell them I'm gay," Jimin says, positive yoongi will obey.
"I mean, who could reject me?" Jimin thinks to himself.
"ha, buddy. no. I'm not your slave, and im not head over heels for you, either. sorry man, but not everyone wants you. you aren't that great as you think. I don't see what everyone sees in you," Yoongi scoffs and Jimin practically falls out of his seat.
"Well that's a first" He says. "there's a first for everything," Yoongi grins. "Oh, well maybe you just haven't seen my true charm yet," Jimin says and Yoongi rolls his eyes. "You're a cute kid, Jimin. I look forward to seeing you around, friend," Yoongi exaggerates. "oh, playing hard to get now are we?" Jimin grins himself. his jaw practically falls to the floor after yoongi speaks. "No sweetie, it's called being uninterested," Yoongi says and snorts at Jimin's reaction. "seriously? you're not just teasing me? you really don't like me?" Jimin asks, seemingly not joking at all. "I'm not joking. like I said earlier, some people aren't desperately in love with you. I happen to be one of those people," Yoongi says. Jimin groans in frustration. the one person he finds perfect has no interest in him. "Are you even gay?" Jimin asks, curious if he even has a chance. "girls, guys, doesn't really matter to me. I appeal more to guys, though," He says, locking his fingers behind his head. "I can see that. why? because guys like it rougher in bed?" Jimin asks and Yoongi laughs. "well, it's not like you'll ever get the chance to find out," Yoongi replies and out of surprise, the two can hear mrs. kim snort from the front of the room. it doesn't take long before she's rolling on the floor, breathlessly clothing her stomach. "park jimin.. just got.. rejected!" She says in between giggles. yoongi stares at her in amusement as Jimin gawks at the two of them. "wait till everyone hears min yoongi, of all people, turned down THE  park jimin!" She continues to laugh. "mrs kim, you really are a teenage girl on the inside," Yoongi says and she nods. she returns to her chair and wipes her teary eyes. "Are you kidding?" Jimin stares blankly and Yoongi shakes his head. "well, you're never gonna get another chance at this," Jimin says, running a hand down his chest. "I didn't even want the first chance," Yoongi mutters in disgust. jimin glares at him. "Not even if i pay you?" Jimin suggests. "i would rather date that Hoseok kid. not even if you were the last guy on earth. I'd rather fuck Hoseok's dead corpse," Yoongi mutters and that's what makes mrs kim erupt in insane laughter. jimin can't even respond.

"Well boys, your 2 hours are up. you're free to go!" mrs kim says after unlocking the door. yoongi immediately stands up and he's out of the room that instant. jimin Springs from his spot and sprints after yoongi. "seriously, you don't want to even hook up? no matter how much I offer?" Jimin pleads and only then does he realize yoongi is taller than him. "the only thing I would ever even consider doing is kissing you, and there's only a small chance at that. and it takes a lot of money," Yoongi says, continuing to walk. "ugh," Jimin sighs in defeat.

this is going to be harder than he thought.

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