Chapter 3 : Cant believe it .

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Randy P.O.V.

I can't believe this Nigga is cheating on La, ima get My Girl Back and quick! I'm. going to skip My last class and go to her house A.S.A.P.

Trent must have saw me cause he went Back in his car too. I drove to La house before he did.

20 minutes later and I was there.

She was sitting on The porch, and she was on The phone. She hanged up as I got out.

" Before you say anything I believe you. " She said standing up.

" You known ?" I asked her.

" No but I could have kind of tell and he just called me and been like Don't listen to whatever Randy says like he doesnt even know how to cheat." She started laughing I laughed with her.

" I don't know why somebody would cheat on you. " I sat on her porch and sat her on My lap and put My arms around her.

" Yeah everybody seem to hurt me down The way." She said putting her hands over her face. Trent pulled up he got out The car and slammed his door.

Layla P.O.V.

I hate being lied too and I hated being cheated on, damn sure hate being played like a fool! I stood up from Randy lap.

" Before you say anything I believe you Trent. " I said faking And I saw how Randy looked at me. I went up to Trent and hugged him.

" Thanks I love you." He said and I can feel him smirking.

" Wait I didn't finish, I Believe your a dumb ass, you can't cheat right and fuck you were done!" I said now punching The Shit out his ass he landed on The floor.

" Don't play me and get The fuck out My yard. " I said He got up and walked to his Truck then left.

" Your going to pay for this! " He yelled out his window. I Grabbed Randy hand and walked into The house he followed me to The kitchen.

" Your so beautiful La. " He said kissing me on My cheek.

" Whatever Randy." I said grabbing a bottle of water.

" Let's talk. " I said grabbing his hand and taking him to My room.

" I never stopped loving you I will never stop loving you." I said as we lay on My bed.

" I know I feel The same way, let's be a us again. " Randy said looking me in My eyes.

" I don't know My heart can't take no more heart breaks." I said. I'm down for being a us again.

" I promise you, I will be real with you never cheat on you and love you The way you need to be love." He said Kissing me on My lips. His lips was sooooooo soft.

" What The hell y'all doing? " My mama said standing at The door we jumped up so quick.

" Nothing. " We both said.

" See that's what happen The last time, yall wanna kiss so much." She said causing us to laugh.

" Well I'm going to work now see you later." She said she hugged me then left.

" Guess it's just me and you." He said picking me up and laying me Back on The bed.

" Lemme ask you a question. " I said rubbing My hands across his chest.

" Do you still sell? " I asked him, he sighed and shook his head yes.

" Ok. " I said kissing him on his lips.

" That's It? " He said pulling away.

" Yeah The only thing I'm worried about is when people want to hurt you or you can end up in jail, or they go straight for your family members. " I said.

" I promise you nobody is going to hurt you." He said. Notice he didn't say he promise he wouldnt go to jail or get hurt.

" Right so we together now? " I asked him.

" Helllllll yeah I was waiting for this!" He said

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