Chapter Thirty Five - Lie to Me

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Song Recommedation: "What Lies Beneath" by Breaking Benjamin

Thirty Five

The second I got Bekka's message, I hurriedly made my way to her place. I had someone let me in downstairs and I ran upstairs only to find her not home. I texted her numerous times, waiting for an answer from her.

I was nervous. Bekka was with Jazmyne. That mix would not go well. I knew how rude Jazzy is.

I decided to take a seat in front of Bekka's apartment door, hoping she would come back.

Eventually, Bekka did come, but with Jazzy in tow surprisingly. Jazzy's eyes grew wide and they landed on me. "You were waiting here for her?"

I nodded looking at Bekka, checking if she was okay.

"Bekka, Bekka, Bekka. Everyone is so concerned about you. I swear you have Wes and Kai wrapped around your little bony finger." Jazmyne sneered at Bekka.

Bekka frowned, her eyes falling to the ground.

I folded my arms and turned to Jaz. "Listen, I think you should leave now."

"Maybe she'll pay for your mother's chemotherapy then." Jazmyne snapped and whirled around.

Bekka gasped. "What does she mean?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Can we talk?" I motioned towards her apartment door.

Bekka nodded and took out her keys from her pocket. "Jazmyne has attention problems."

"Yeah, she has many issues. Which is why I don't understand her being here." I shrugged off my jacket, hanging it on the coat rack.

"What did she mean about your mom?" She completely disregarded my question. Great. Walking over to the couch, she motioned me towards her.

"Her. . . Father pays for my mom's chemo, as long as I work for them. It's a very confusing and annoying problem. I need their money because of my mom's cancer. Hence, why Jazzy feels the need to treat me the way she does."

Bekka frowned. "You shouldn't let her treat you like you're a slave. Weren't you in a band. What about that money?"

"Chemo isn't cheap Bekka," I continued, "I ran out of my money from the band trying to pay for everything. Jazzy is my saving grace until I find a way to get out of it."

"What does she make you do?"

And with that question, I explained everything. Everything from the very first day I discovered that my mom had cancer. I explained what I had been through and all the times Jazzy used me and how she treated me. Hours passed and yet I still continued to tell my story.


Moaning softly, I felt weight being pressed on my legs. My legs had fallen asleepy, along with the rest of me. My eyes opened, noticing I was on the couch. A yawning sound erupted near me. My eyes drifted to my legs.

"Kai!" I squeaked. Kaiden was lying on my legs, his arms wrapped around my waist. We probably had fallen asleep after a while.

Kaiden stretched and squeezed me slightly tighter. "Yes?"

"Get up, we fell asleep." My cheeks were red and I tried moving out under him.

He got up, running his hands through his hair. He yawned one last time before stretching again. I got up quickly, swaying a little as for I had gotten up too fast. Kaiden caught me as I fell back onto the couch.

His face was close against mine. Next thing I knew, he was leaning in to kiss me. My eyes grew wide and I shoved him back. "Hey what are you doing?"

Kaiden stood up and sighed. "I'm sorry I thought--"

"Well whatever you thought, get it out of your head. I care for Wesley, Kai, you have to understand that."

Kai nodded. "I'm sorry, that was wrong of me."

"Anyways, while I was asleep, I think I can help you with your problem. You can sue Jazzy's father. And that money can be used for your mom. You can't be selling drugs and not get caught." I walked over to my MacBook on my desk. I opened it and instantly started searching for Jazzy's father. Many pictures came up.

One picture stopped me from scrolling. It showed three men together. With names as the caption. One name stopped me completely.

Jaysen Colt.

I clicked on the picture and continued to read the article. It spoke of Jazzy's father and the other brother who was in charge of a record company. The same one that passed me his card. However, the last man on the side, his name was Jaysen Colt. And all these men are brothers. That makes no sense. How is this even possible? Jaysen Colt is connected to my mom.

If Jaysen Colt is my father. . . Then that would make Jazmyne and I. . .


I quickly Googled Jazmyne. Pictures of her at parties and red carpets appeared. I compared myself to her noticing the little things that made us look alike.

I gasped.

There was no way that she could be my cousin. It was too much of a coincidence.

Kaiden stood behind me. "What's going on Bekka?"

"I'm going to need you to call Jazmyne, stat." My legs were shaking and I grabbed onto a chair and steadily sank into it. The thought lingered in my head that maybe this was a hoax. A joke that Jazzy was playing on me and Kaiden was in on it.

"Why?" Kai asked, raising a brow.

I looked up at him eyes wide. "Look at these pictures. What do you see?"

"Jazmyne partying."

I copied her picture and sent it to Photoshop. Next, I took an eraser and shortened the length of her hair, lade her nose less pointy and changed the color of her eyes. "Now look at me."

"Okay you guys look alike." Kaiden leaned in, squinting at the picture. His cologne wafted towards me, and a mixture of spice and sandalwood. He smelled like the beach. I tried not to look at him as he studied the picture and occasionally looked at me. His hair had came out of its ponytail and some strands had fallen, hanging off his shoulder and tickling my cheek. I suddenly realized he was too close, too overwhelming. He also had tried to kiss me. Why? What was he trying to do? I did not want what Jazzy said to be true. I didn't not have these boys wrapped around my finger. It made it much worse when I didn't know where I stood with Wes. It was confusing.

Mom would've told me to go with my gut and to stop being confused. It sucked her not being here. I would've had so many answers by now. So many answers. . .

One thing is for certain, Jazmyne and I needed to have a talk and get answers.

"She might be my cousin."

A/N; HI guys, Kae here, so basically, I realize this story isn't getting as much reads or votes as it used to be and I don't know whether or not I should take it down a rewrite because I got ahead of myself and I started writing book two, but I still haven't finished this one, I'm having a problem trying to tie everything together, maybe i'll continue updating until its finished then i'll take a breakand write my new series

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