Chapter Fifteen - Sensible Threats

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Song Recommendation: "Mountains" by Message to Bears

Song Recommendation: "Mountains" by Message to Bears

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Sensible Threats

My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and instantly picked up. "Hey Grace."

"W-wesley, thank god you picked up. I need you to come home please," she sniffled, "Peter said he didn't want anything to do with after I told him about the baby. . . "

My heart grew still. I started barreling down the block and hailed a cab speedily. "Hold on Grace. I'll be there in five. Just stall him, okay? I'll talk to him."

"O-okay, thanks Wesley," Grace sniffled and hung up.

I put my phone away and took a deep breath. I was beyond pissed. What was with these boyfriends lately? I would meet this guy and give him a stern talking to. What type of name was Peter anyways? Grace absolutely did not deserve this. After mom and dad passed away, she was in charge to take care of me. Without her, I would be probably dead. . . Or worse. Grace was way too sweet. Often, people took an advantage of that. It wasn't fair, that they would use her. She deserved a man that worshipped her for who she was, and not for what they wanted to get out of her.

Grace was never the type to be a whore. She dated guys for a while and if she sensed they were no good, she would drop them. Peter must've been really special for her to actually have a baby with him. She always told me to be abstinent, like she was. This guy would stay with Grace even if I have to beat some sense into him. He would not leave Grace all on her own to raise a child. If he didn't want to stay with Grace, then I would make sure he paid child support, even though Grace could take care of it.

Grace was the executive secretary of a magazine company. She was the CEO's right hand woman. She absolutely hated him, but she still pushed on. She was very good at what she did and she worked hard to get to where she was now. I'll be damned if one guy would break her strong spirit. Grace was a wonderful sister, friend, and did a hella good job at raising me.

Personally, I would tell her to get an abortion, but Grace always wanted a child of her own. She treated me like her own, but I was just her brother. She wanted a son or daughter of her own. She wouldn't give up the baby at all. Grace would put everything into this child. She would love the child unconditionally, regardless of Peter not being in the picture. Although, Peter needed to take responsibility. He took part in this. Grace seemed truly distraught and she needed me right now.

The cabbie came to a stop. I handed him my last twenty and hopped out the car. I ran upstairs to our apartment. I opened the door with my key and walked into the kitchen.

There Peter was, his head down and staring at the table with an annoyed expression. He was dressed in an expensive looking suit. I think I seen him before in some realtor ad. He raised his head up at Grace. "We used protection. How did this even happen? You're having an abortion."

Grace had her arms wrapped around her waist and she was leaning on the counter, across from him. She still was crying, but silently. "I refuse to have an abortion. And we didn't use protection cause you insisted not to!."

Peter's brown eyes narrowed in anger, he stood up and prowled over to Grace. He grabbed her wrist tightly, pinning her against the counter. He shoved a finger against her stomach. "You will have an abortion. Or so God help me I will--"

"Or what?" I snarled, "lay a hand on my sister again. I fucking dare you." I clenched my fists.

Peter whipped around and backed away from Grace, glaring at me. "Get out of here squirt, this is our business, not yours."

I laughed humorlessly. "She's my sister, therefore it is my business. Let's have a talk, Peter." My hand twitched against my side. I longed to smash my fist into his face.

Peter's eyes were fueled with anger. "Fine, boy. Tell your sister to get an abortion."

I stalked forward and shoved him against the sink. I grabbed his throat and squeezed. Leaning forward, my mouth was next to his ear. "Here is how this is going to go down, you will get the fuck out of this area. You will not continue a relationship with Grace, you are not good enough for her. Hell, you don't even need to pay child support, but you will, just so you can remember that you have a child you will never meet, nor bond with. Understood? I will make Grace go to court if I have to, but since you seem like a top notch guy, I'll spare the stress on Grace. You'll pay 500 a week, capiche?"

Peter nodded slowly. His eyes darting to Grace for help. I tightened my grip. "You seem like a famous man, it would be a shame for this to go public, now, wouldn't it? Maybe you have a wife. . . Or kids already. They would be devastated to hear about this. Leave my sight. I expect a check every week, if I don't get it, I'll rip your throat out." I leaned over and grabbed a knife from the knife stand. I dragged it across his neck, lazily.

Peter's eyes were the size of saucers. He made a noise that resembled a scream. I grinned and plunged the knife near his head, piercing the cabinets. Peter jumped and nodded his head. "I'll pay, I promise," he mumbled.

I smirked and let him go. Peter grabbed on to the counter for support and staggered past me. He approached Grace, while nervously glancing at me from time to time. He took a deep breath. "Uhh, goodbye Grace. I'll um. . . Be sure to s-send a c-check every M-Monday." Peter stepped out of the apartment quickly.

I chuckled softly. "Pussy."

Grace came over and hugged me tightly. "Thank you Wesley," she sobbed.

I put my arms around her. "Anything for my big sis."

Grace pulled back and half smiled. "Are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "Bekka made me dinner."

"So you guys made up?" Grace wiped her eyes and grabbed the knife, putting it back in its place.

"Uh yeah. Things are good now," I smiled brightly.

A/n; sheesh, what is it with these horrible guys lately? first Chad and now this Peter dude, i wonder who would be next, and i promise there will be more #teamWeska to come, or maybe a little #teamKaika, ever wondered about some #teamAmeka? or maybe even #teamWesmyne again or am i getting too much with the ships?


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