Chapter Twenty Five - Resurrected Renewals

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Song Recommendation: "Northern Blues" by City & Colour

Song Recommendation: "Northern Blues" by City & Colour

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Resurrected Renewals

The next morning, I wanted to die. I had texted Bekka numerous times, in hopes she would understand that I had no feelings for Jazmyne whatsoever. This must've made her really angry. Especially since something happened with her mother. She didn't need the extra stress on her. She probably wanted nothing to do with me. She probably hated me. God, why did I let that happen? I could've prevented it. I know I could've. I didn't understand. I didn't have feelings for Jazzy. . .did I?

Maybe subconsciously I wanted everything to be like old times. That couldn't happen though. Jaz was toxic, disgusting. She was like a snake, corrupting everyone and just ruining lives. I needed to stay away from her. So no parties, ever. No matter how much any of my friends wanted to go. There's other things we could do. I couldn't let Jaz control me. Not ever again. She probably never loved me. I needed to remember that she was worthless. I needed to apologize to Bekka. I needed to do something nice. She probably didn't trust me at all.

I didn't know what to do.

So I went to the person who I knew who could help. I knocked on Grace's door. "Grace, I need advice."

"Come in," Grace shouted. I opened the door and spotted her chilling in her bed with food wrappers littered everywhere. Her room was a complete mess. Hell, even worse than mine was. There was baby help magazines tangled in her blanket. The TV was on to a baby care channel.

I raised a brow. "Grace? This is a lot. When's the last time you've cleaned your room?"

Grace rolled her eyes. "Shut up. You said you needed advice?" She grabbed the remote and shut off the TV. She sat up and stared at me.

I sighed and took a seat next to her. "I messed up again. Jazmyne was around and well she sent a picture to Bekka."

Grave sat back in shock. Her eyes narrowed. "Where were you?"

"At a party, I drank again. . . " I ran a stressed hand through my hair.

"Wow Welsey," Grace shook her head, "Jazmyne kissed you didn't she?"

Grace knew things. It was crazy. I felt like shit even more with the look Grace was giving me. "Yea, Bekka isn't answering me."

"Listen, you need to talk to her. Keep trying to get in contact. Normally, I would tell you to leave her be, give her some space for a while, but if you really want her, then chase her. Go after what you want. Although, you cannot go for what you want if you could lose it by fucking up. I know you don't wanna hear this, but you need help. You need to go to therapy or something. Jazmyne fucked you up. You need help. Closure," Grace stood up. Her stomach was showing and she walked around in her room. She grabbed some clothes.

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