{Final Ch.} Chapter Thirty Eight - Goodbye For Now

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Thirty Eight

Goodbye For Now


I grabbed my bags and started to load them into the back of Kai's truck. I smiled at sky, happy that the sun was out. It was a surprisingly hot day, so instead of my regular jeans, I wore a skirt and a tucked in button down. Ami helped me get dressed for today, since it would be my last day here. Ami said she would take good care of my place and Oren and Jem would be taking my room for now until I came back.

Oren and Jem were also taking my job at the bookstore café until I came back. They were going to be the live band for now. I was excited to finally adventure out and meet my actual father. I had so many fears though. What if he didn't want to see me? I had no real way to see if he wanted to see me. That made me so nervous. I was glad that I booked a hotel over there. The storm still hadn't passed, but by the time I would get there it would be long gone.

"Kai," I called out, looking for Kaiden in my apartment.

Kaiden was in my kitchen, stuffing his face with crackers. He was with Oren and Jem, eating out the fridge already. "Yes, love?"

"Did Wes call?" I asked, staring at my dry phone. I had called Wes to apologise, but he hadn't returned any of my calls. I was starting to get nervous. I really liked Wes. I didn't want to lose him.

Oren approached me in his crutches. "Listen, I know Wes, he'll come. Trust me."

"What if he doesn't?"

Jem rolled his eyes and stole a cookie from my bag of snacks. "He will."

Craig stood talking to Simon and Ami. He oddly stood by closer to Simon and Simon didn't mind it. I smiled and wondered what they were up to. I was happy here with all my friends. No matter what happen over in Seattle, I would know that I had a home to come to. I could easily say I was happy. Last year was a hard year, but it built up to this moment right here. If the things that happened to me never happened, I would be in a different place right now. No one knows if it would've been better than this, but I know it would be impossible for it to be better than this moment right here. A small country girl like me, actually made it here on the city.

Mom, I hope you're proud of me, I thought. I did what she wanted. I made friends, found someone I really like, and just changed the whole dynamic of my life, all for the better.

I walked down the steps and outside, sitting at my stoop. This was good. I was happy.

"Hey, before you go," Wes walked up to me with a boquet of roses, "You'll be missing this." He wore his signature beanie and jacket, adored with an easy smile on his face. I stood up and hugged him tightly, regretting my argument with him.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled against his jacket.

"I am too, I didn't mean what I said. I'm just an insecure little bitch. Forgive me?" Wes pulled away from me and kissed my cheek.

I nodded and accepted his flowers. He held my hand and brought me to his motorcycle. "I wanted to say some things before you left. I love you, and its okay if you don't say it back. I love you for everything you are. To know you've been hurt or used in the past, breaks my heart and I can't imagine how someone could possibly do that to you. When I see you, I just get overwhelmed with these amazing feelings because to me, you are the most amazing girl in the world. You are beyond amazing, beyond beautiful. You are incredible. You've made me feel things in a whole new way that I never thought I could feel, feelings I thought I could never feel. To me, you're not just a person, you are so much more. You are a dream come true. I can't imagine life without you. I really can't.  Please don't ever think that I'm going to cheat on you while you're gone, because I never will. You make me feel brave, you make me feel like I'm somebody, you make me feel like a true rockstar. I thought the rockstar image was to bed as many girls as I can, but when I see you, I don't want anyone, but you. Having you in my life is the best thing that has ever happened to me Bekka, and trust me, I would never try to hurt you. I want to love you forever and worship you and truly make you feel what love is. I'm crazy about you, I'm crazy for you. I'd die for you."

I felt tears run down my cheeks and I smiled brilliantly at Wesley. I grabbed his cheeks and kissed his tenderly, melting to this touch. He wrapped his arms around me, crushing the roses he bought me. He stroked my hair as he kissed me, making my toes curls in my shoes. It was such a cliché thing to say, but it was utterly true. I liked being with Wes. I don't know if I love him, but I do care for him deeply. And that's what mattered.

"OKay, we get it. You guys are horny," A voice rang out. forcing me away from Wes. I turned around and saw Jazzy with two suitcases and a stupid smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" I snapped.

Jazzy put her suitcases in Kai's truck. "I'm coming with you and Kai. I wanna meet Uncle Colt. And also do something better with my life. I'm not taking no for an answer, cousin."

I folded my arms. "Fine, but if you so much as annoy me, I'll kick you out the car."

Jazzy chuckled, her wicked smile on show. "Of course. I wouldn't expect less."

Wesley nods at her and she rolls her eyes. "Yes, I'll behave."

Kai comes out of the apartment house and stares at Jazzy. "You just couldn't mind, your business, could you?"

Jazzy shakes her head. "I call shotgun!"

I sigh and turn back to Wes. "I'll miss you."

"I really wish I could go with you," Wes kisses my cheek.

"But you have your sister to take care of. Tell her I said hi."

"Will do."

"Be careful, Bekka Rose."

"You too Wesley Rowe."

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