Chapter Eighteen - Golden Heart

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Song Recommendation: "Fall At Your Feet" by Saint Raymond

Song Recommendation: "Fall At Your Feet" by Saint Raymond

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Golden Heart

Wesley and I appeared at the hospital faster than I thought we would. His whole leg was bouncing up and down during the car ride. He kept on talking about how happy he was and that he wouldn't wait to see Oren.

Wes and I all but ran to Oren's room. Oren's parents were hovering him. Wes smiled as he walked through. "Mr. and Mrs. Tessler."

Oren looked just like his parents. His mother had brown curly hair that was pulled into a bun. She was taller and willowy. His father had dark brown hair that was buzzed cut short. They both looked as if they were crying for a while. There was something about them that made me feel like they were truly sweet.

"Hello Wesley. How are you?" Mrs. Tessler asked.

Wes nodded. "Good. This is Bekka, Bekka these are Oren's parents."

"Ma, Papa, move out the way and let me see my best friend," a voice with an Italian accent rang out.

His parents evacuated from Oren's hospital bed. There Oren was, sitting up, his long hair in a ponytail. He was still skinny, but his tan colour returned to his skin. The hospital band on his wrist was huge. His hospital gown swallowed him. He was drinking something. He set it down and smiled. His brilliant chestnut brown eyes took in Wes and I.

Wes lunged for his best friend. He hugged him tightly. "I missed you."

Oren mumbled something back. I smiled with tears threatening to fall. The wonderful feeling of getting a friend or family member back was amazing. It was just something that was different. It wasn't happiness, but something more. Relief, I supposed. Relief that, that person was alive and well. The feeling that I was getting. . . Same feeling everyone else felt when I woke up.

I walked out the room to leave Wes and Oren alone. I was outside with Oren's parents. They smiled at me. Mr. Tessler turned to me. "You're Wes' girlfriend?"

I shook my head. "No sir, but I would like to be." My eyes grew wide. I didn't expect to say that, much less in front of Oren's parents. I looked down at my black & white Converse.

Mrs. Tessler chuckled. "Well, hopefully you could keep him in check," she grew serious, "In the beginning of Oren's accident, Wes apologized multiple times. He begged to visit Oren. He blamed himself. It wasn't his fault though. It was no one's. That Kaiden boy told us it was his fault. I never liked that Kaiden boy. He was always up to no good. He stopped visiting Oren after the third attempt. Wes, though, always tried. We finally allowed him to visit."

"Kaiden always made stupid mistakes, but tried to for the greater good," I defended. Kai wasn't a bad guy, just had his priorities mixed up. Plus, he did visit Oren without their permission, more than Wes did. 

Mr. Tessler chuckled. "Speak of the devil."

I raised my head and saw Kai talking to a nurse down the hall. He seemed frustrated. His whole posture was tense. He ran a stressed hand through his hair. The nurse said something and he nodded. Without even realizing, I approached him.

Kai turned to me. "Lepeka . . ? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm visiting Oren with Wes. He woke up, you know."

Kai nodded, his eyes not meeting mine. "That's good."

"How are you Kai? I tried texting you, but you've been ignoring me. You haven't been in class either."

Kai sighed. "I'm okay. Yeah, I'm not in college anymore. I dropped out."

"Why?" I asked, stepping closer. It was as if I was drawn to him for some reason. I couldn't understand it. I wanted to just console him.

"None of your business, Lepeka. Go back to Wesley," Kai sneered. He brushed past me.

I frowned and walked back to the Tessler's. "That troublemaker," Tessler huffed.

Wes stepped out the room and motioned me inside. "Thanks Bekka for giving me time to talk to Oren. He wants to properly meet you."

I nodded and stepped inside. Oren grinned, "hey Bekka. Wesley, I can't believe you let this hottie in my room and it didn't wake me up."

I chuckled, "hi Oren. How are you?"

"Good, disoriented though. I feel extremely tired, like I could sleep. Although, I slept enough," Oren looked down at his legs, "can't seem to feel my legs."

I sat in a chair next to him. "Yeah. I was also in a coma. I couldn't feel my legs when I woke up."

Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of a gentle beeping was distant. The darkness surrounding me seemed to lift gently. I still couldn't move. I was floating underwater. The water seemed thick, jelly-like. Voices swam all around me. Conversations. Familiar voices mumbling to wake up.

I tried to open my eyes. I was like in a deep sleep, having a dream, but trying to wake up. I forced my eyes open.

White light.

Bright lights invaded my vision. I moaned softly. I was out of the water. Everything was clear. My body felt heavy, though. I was exhausted. My eyes wandered to my right. Mom was sitting in a chair, her head cast down. My hand was entwined with hers. I tightened my grip on it.

This was mom . . . Right?

"Mom," I croaked, trying to use my voice. My throat was extremely dry.

Mom's head snapped up. "Bekka?" Her eyes had tears in them.

Mom never cried. Why was she crying? What happened? My heart sped up. The beeping was faster.

The doctor walked in. "Hello Ms. Rose. Hello Rebekka. It seems you've awoken. How do you feel?" The doctor smiled at me, but something wasn't right. His eyes were saddened. It was almost as if. . . H-he pitied me.

"I'm tired. A-am in a hospital?" I asked. I tried sitting up. Mom stood and helped me up. I couldn't feel my legs. They were numb. It was as if I forgot how to use them.

"Do you remember what happened? Where were you last?" The doctor opened his chart, pen waiting to write.

I looked at my hands. They were pale and shaking. I could see my veins clearly. My head raised up again. "I was in a car, with my boyfriend, Nelson and my brother Luca. Where's Luca mom?"

Mom started crying again. She took off her glasses and rubbed her face. "Honey. . . L-Luca. . . You and Luca got into a car accident with Nelson. Luca. . . Died."

I sat up. "What?" My chest felt heavy. "No! Let me see him! I want to fucking see him!" I screamed. I pulled off the IV from my arm. I threw the sheets off and tried to walk. I fell off the bed and hit the floor. The doctor called for nurses to help me.

I sobbed. My chest. . . The heaviness. The emptiness. Luca. . . Gone.



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