Chapter Ten - Cold Decisions

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Song Recommendation: "Black Dresses" by The Spill Canvas

Song Recommendation: "Black Dresses" by The Spill Canvas

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Cold Decisions

I was ignoring Wesley for almost two weeks now. All his calls and everything, just ignored. I sat someplace else in class, I changed my shift at the café, and I just pretended he never existed.

Before that though, I tried talking to him. I went up to him to ask what happened, but he shoved past me like I had never existed in his life, I was hurt right after that. I couldn't believe he was angry over me just talking to Kai. He didn't apologize for what happened. All he said was 'did you sleep with him?', Or 'I bet that was your plan all along.'. After that, he left me a series of angry voicemails. I didn't even bother to listen to them after the sixth one.

Kaiden and I were closer than ever, though. He was an amazing friend and he didn't hesitate to keep telling me he's always there for me. He knew about my past somewhat and he was shocked. He visited Oren more than Wes did. I left flowers with Oren three times cause I knew how it felt to be in his position. We visited him everyday so far. Kaiden would tell stories about him and the guys. I truly enjoyed hearing them. It was another part of Kaiden that was fun to see, he was so playful and easygoing.

"What shall we do today Bekka?" Kaiden leaned against the chair, tipping it back slightly. He was sitting in front of an easel that was untouched.

I stared at the art and design professor as he kept talking. It was Thursday so this was my last class. Kaiden was bored out of his mind. Apparently, art wasn't his thing.

I shrugged. "Whatever is good for you."

Kaiden smirked. "Anything is good for me."

"Then let's just head to the café or something," I suggested, trying to focus more on my work than him.

Kaiden sighed. "Nah, let's go do something more fun. You play guitar, I play bass, let's have a jam session."

I raised a brow, "You're kidding right?"

"No, let's head to Guitar Center and jam."

I laughed, "sure,"

Kaiden got up hurriedly. "Let's go."

"We have five minutes left of this class, Kaiden."

Kai rolled his eyes. "It's just five minutes, it won't kill you."

I sighed and looked at the professor. I signaled that I was leaving. She nodded and Kai and I left.

"Would you like to take a taxi, or the subway?" Kai asked, worry etched across his face.

I shook my head, "doctors said that I'm supposed to get accustomed to cars and stuff again."

Kaiden nodded. "Taxi it is. You still don't want me to drive?"

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