Chapter Twenty Seven - Fatally Blue

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Song Recommendation: "Lover Come Back" by City & Colour

Song Recommendation: "Lover Come Back" by City & Colour

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Fatally Blue

I expected the flight to Gravon to be much longer. Thankfully, it wasn't. My leg was bouncing during the whole trip. I couldn't wait to see Bekka. I had a dumb smile on my face the whole time. I made sure the box that was in my hands wouldn't get affected by the rain.

Nelson's truck was positioned outside the airport. I briskly walked quickly over to him. The airport was small and there was few people around. It's what I expected from a small town, I suppose. My eyes wandered to the mess he had in the backseat. She definitely was not going in the backseat.

Nelson stared at the box in my hands. "What is that?"

"A surprise for Bekka," I opened the box and showed him the black ball of fur.

Nelson grinned, "she would love that."

I was nervous to see Bekka. She would probably think I was crazy. Taking a flight to her town to see her. It could go one of two ways. One, she would be delighted to see me, or two, she would throw her shoe at me. Hopefully the former happened rather than the latter.

"So she's home?" I asked.

"Well, I hope so. She hasn't left her mom's house for a while. I'm concerned about her, hence why I called you," Nelson squinted as he tried to drive in the rain, "first time it's rained here for a while."

"Yeah, I can tell," as we passed homes, many people were outside playing in the rain.

As Nelson drove, I noticed there was no stop lights or anything. This town really was small if they had no road signs. The short drive was silent, almost even awkward. I cleared my throat a few times and checked on the ball of furr in the box.

Nelson parked in front of a house that seemed way out of place. It looked like a suburban house, rather than a small country town house. It was old Victorian style with a white front porch. Nelson exited the car and I followed after. Nelson walked up to the front door. He rang the doorbell. "Normally she answers, if she doesn't, I have a spare key."

I nodded and stared at the white swing that was on the porch. This was nothing of what I pictured Bekka's childhood home to be. "Very suburban," I commented as the rain water pounded hard against the porch roof.

Nelson nodded, "well, looks like were going in." He took out his keys from his pocket and put the rightkey in the hole. Nelson turned the lock and walked right in. I followed after and closed the door. My eyes grew with. This house was totally not country.

I placed the box on the floor as Nelson shouted Bekka's name. I noticed the black ball of furr jump out. "Hey, no c'mere."

Nelson turned around. "It can walk around, Bekka wouldn't mind. If she's not here we'll have to leave it here while we go and look for her."

"Okay, shouldn't she be down here by now?" I motioned towards the steps.

"Well yeah, let's go upstairs and check," Nelson took the stairs two at a time. I approached the top of the steps after him. All the hallway doors were opened. It seemed like she wasn't here. Nelson walked into the first room. He walked out and quick as he came. "Nope, check her mom's room."

I nodded and looked at the other bedroom. I walked in. The bed was made and I knew Bekka wasn't here. I saw a paper on the bed. I raised my brow and approached the bed. My hands picked up the paper. I noticed an empty perscription bottle on the bed. I grabbed it and read what it was, used to be Ambien. Why would it be empty. . .

No. . .

Where was she?

My eyes skimmed the paper and my hands trembled with every word I read. I closed my eyes as the paper shook in my hands. Nelson walked in and stared at the bottle and the paper in my hand. His eyes grew wide. He didn't have to read the paper to know what was going on. "Fuck."

"Where could she be!?" I shouted at Nelson. My heart was pounding, my body was sweaty. The air around me was leaving. I could breathe correctly. If Bekka hurt herself or worse. . . I couldn't live with myself.

"I don't know. W-we can drive around. The town isn't so big. Plus she'll be in walking distance," Nelson explained. He left the room and ran down the stairs. I followed after and closed the front door.

We slipped in the car and he pulled out of the street. "Fuck it's raining so much, I can't see."

"Put your headlights on," I said, my eyes looking out the window frantically. We needed to find Bekka quick.

"Okay, warn me if an animal crosses in front of the car, since we're by the docks, animals might run by," Nelson slowed down the speed he was going at.

My eyes was still searching for any sign of people around. The docks were approaching my view. It was muddy all around and I could barely see anything. Although, there was a figure moving around near the edge of the waters. I squinted to see what that person was doing. It was probably a night fisher or--

"Stop the car! That's her!" I shouted as the figure looked just like Bekka. It seemed she was wrapping something around her body.

Fuck. She was going to drown herself.

I jumped out the car even though it was still in motion. My legs took off towards Bekka. As I approached the docks, she jumped in the water. "Bekka!" I bellowed her name and dived into the water without a moments hesitation.

The water was freezing. It almost felt welcoming. I couldn't even see anything due to the murky waters and the dark. I still kept swimming. I swam lower and lower, using the moonlight to guide me as best as it could. I saw pale skin and a glimmer of the chain that was wrapped around her. I grabbed her arm and tugged her up. She wasn't budging. I squinted, trying to see what was holding her down. I pushed down harder and saw a rock was tied by the chain. I grabbed the rock and lifted it up, untanglingit hurriedly. My breath was running out, quick. I would expect Bekka was losing hers since she was limp beside me. If she wasn't floating on her own, then she ran out of air in her system.

I grabbed her arms and hauled her up, using the momentum of the current in the water. I saw a light on the surface and I continued to follow it.

I broke the surface and sucked in a huge amount of air to my burning lungs. I pushed Bekka's prone body on the wooden docks. Nelson pulled her up then me. I looked at her pale face. Her eyes were closed and she seemed dead. I checked her pulse.


Immediately, I started pumping her chest. I remembered how many pumps from high school tests I failed. I hope I'm doing this right, I thought.

I lowered my lips and pinched her nose. I started breathing air into her mouth. Nelson shone a flashlight at us. "Is she breathing?"

"Shut up." I snarled.

I needed concentration. She had to breathe she had to be okay. "I can't lose you Bekka!" I shouted, "I need you, please."

The rain seemed to fall harder as I continued CPR on her. Tears were probably falling down my cheeks. I couldn't tell, it was raining too hard.

You have to live, please.

I can't lose you.

I love you.

A/N; dun dun dunnnnnnnnn, ik ik im very evil, don't worry the update is already up to see whats next soon, go go go go 

vooottee coomment, honestly your feedback helps me out a lott

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