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"If someone doesn't start explaining, what's going on, right this damn second," He almost snarled, "I'm going to call the police up and have you jailed

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"If someone doesn't start explaining, what's going on, right this damn second," He almost snarled, "I'm going to call the police up and have you jailed. I don't care who you are."

An exchange of feeble glances passed through the group of friends, until one of them decided to laugh.

The laughter was uncontrollable, wheezing sounds which in fact came from behind. It was him, Spiderman.

And Spiderman was carrying something bulky in his arms, which didn't provide anyone with any comfort. His skinny hands were wrapped around it tightly, it was a small box, carrying an object which was surely heavy.

They all fell into a mutual silence, until the ticking sounds reached their ears and matched the steady beats of their heart.

He had come to the rescue, he'd come to the rescue with a fucking bomb.

Manhattan was impressive. No scrap that. It was more than impressive. Every curve, every corner of it was aesthetically pleasing. Everything about it was magnificent. The pristine skyscrapers stood out particularly and the crazy hustle of the people running around manically to get to work on time, it sparked a pleasant flame within.

Elijah Blue's eyes scanned the vicinity around him appreciatively, he wouldn't have had the chance to encounter such beauty if he and his sister hadn't left their previous life behind, and every year he had to spiritually thank their bastard father for all the trauma he put them through, to push them away so far.

Robbie Werneth rounded the corner upon Elijah's presence, and lead him to the elevator, rolling his eyes as women in pantsuits sauntered past, giggling among the Irish commodity, wearing sly smiles as though they were aware of something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"What?" Elijah said, turning to Robbie.

"Greece is in a mood." Robbie revealed. "Beware."

Elijah answered with a slight sneer, "When is he ever not in a mood?"

"That's the thing, he strolled in happy today, something about the business going well, but he's on edge for some reason. Is it true that Security are lacking?" He prompted, curiously.

Elijah paused. Being part of the man's protection team was a front and far from the truth.

"I know it's not my place," Robbie muttered, "But people like to talk here."

"Let them." Elijah replied simply as he mumbled a string of curse words to himself and walked away.

With his head held high, he then headed towards the corridors which lead to his bosses office.

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