Should've Told You Sooner

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I woke up the next morning with the worst fear ever. What if AJ is the father? How will it affect Robbie and I? Oh, and did I mention Robbie hasn't talked to me since last night? I was interrupted when I heard Robbie come out of the bathroom. Robbie can we talk? I asked looking down at my hands. Talk about what? he asked shoving stuff into his bags. About why you haven't talked to me since Impact last night. Did I do something? No, it's about what you didn't do. he said laying down on the bed and typing on his phone. Wait, What didn't I do? I asked. You think I don't know don't you? he asked. About what? I asked really not knowing what he was talking about. I saw and heard you and AJ talking last night. he said going quiet. Oh..I said tearing up. Why didn't you just tell me there was a possibility this kid isn't mine?! he yelled. B...Because I know this is how you would react. I said tears trailing down my face. How the hell else am I supposed to react?! I found out the love of my life is having a kid and it may not even freaking be mine!  I..I'm sorry Robbie, I should've told you sooner. It doesn't freaking matter now. he said grabbing his bags and slamming the door behind him. I couldn't hold it back anymore I laid down on the bed and broke down and sobbed.

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