Feel Beautiful

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"Just be quiet, his medication and injuries have made him sensitive to sound."
The nurse smiled gently, walking away to help a different patient as you moved the curtains around Levi's bed, sitting next to him.  "Levi?  I-it's (Y/n)." You said softly as he slowly looked over to where you sat. 
The top half of his head was completely bandaged, including his eyes, parts of his hair sticking out through the gauze.  "Hold my hand, so I know where you are." He said, the sound of his voice weak but still calm and proud, bringing a smile to your face. You gently took his cold and calloused hand in your smaller appendage, lacing your fingers together.  "What happened?" You asked as he sighed, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles.  "I got so enthralled with killing titans, I was trying to keep those idiot brats safe..." 
You squeezed Levi's hand gently as you heard his voice shaking.  "F-female titan...She killed them, with some kind of purpose, she knew they would affect us somehow..." He whispered, turning his head towards you, trying to look at you.  "Everything will be okay..." You sniffled, kissing his hand gently. 
Levi sighed deeply, you able to feel his covered gaze upon you.  "Have you changed at all since I left?" He asked softly, reaching his free hand up to cup your cheek.  You smiled.  "Not much, I don't think." You replied as he gently traced out your features: your lips first, then to your nose, moving to your jaw and finally your ears.  "You even feel beautiful..." He muttered as you blushed.  "That's enough out of you...when can you come back to the dorm?"  You asked softly as he shrugged, smiling.
"Did you enjoy teaching the kids?"
"Yes! Oh Levi they're so lovely, some are a bit perverse, but nothing I can't handle.  And I think I set two of them up even!" You giggled as your raven haired boyfriend chuckled, rubbing your knuckles again.
"I think I'd like to continue teaching them..." You suggested. "Especially since you're out all day, and I usually just end up moping around the house until you get back." Levi nodded slowly.  "As much as I'd rather come home to see your face light up at the company, I think that would be a lovely idea.  I'll talk to Erwin." You grinned widely, leaning quickly, but carefully, over him and hugging him gently.
"You're the best!"

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now