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You woke up in the arms of your favourite person, Levi walking as he carried you gently. You groggily opened your eyes.
"Levi...san..." You mumbled, the bored man looking at you.
"You're awake, good. I'm taking you home, you need rest."
You didn't protest to his words, nuzzling back into his chest. You were soon in your own bed, cuddling your teddy bear to your chest and watching Levi leave. You whined softly, to which Levi stopped at the doorway and looked back at you.
"What is it now brat?" He sighed as you held your hand out towards him. He walked towards you reluctantly and sat on the edge of your bed, smoothing back your hair as you yawned.
"I can't stay tonight, I have paperwork that needs to be done."
You shook your head, grabbing his hand and attempting to pull him towards you. He sighed annoyed, rolled his eyes.
"Come on brat..." He mumbled, picking you up once more.

"Corporal we-"
"Keep your voice down." Levi hissed, glaring at Marco and Jean, who stood in the doorway of his office.
"She's sleeping..."
You were sat in Levi's lap with your chest pressed to his and your face buried in his neck. You were deep asleep, nuzzled closely to the Corporal's body.
Jean was desperately holding back snickers as Marco chuckled nervously. "Sorry sir." He said quieter. "Commander Smith told us to come pick up your paperwork." He said softly. Levi nodded and held out the finished papers.
"Yes Corporal?" The two boys replied, Jean's tone a little more amused.
"If anyone hears of this, I'll send you both to the fields."
Jean's amused expression immediately fell as him and Marco nodded, quickly leaving with the work.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now