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You smiled as you stood in front of your class, holding a stack of papers.
  "Normally our lesson would be about titans, but since we're also human, I'm required to have you learn a little about yourselves as well, so today we're focusing on human anatomy." Some people groaned, a few people snickered immaturely and others just blushed.  "And you'll be in partners.  I'm choosing so don't get too excited." You chuckled at the few people who looked at their friends before slouching down.
You held up your list of partners, inwardly smirking at you choices.  "When I read your names please move to sit with your partner. First up: Marvel and Dale." You smiled sweetly, though mentally you were cackling at your master plan.  You watched as Dale stood proudly, grabbing his textbook before sitting next to the smaller boy who's face was beet red, becoming even more flabbergasted once his crush threw an arm over his shoulders and jutted him closer to the buffer male.  "We're gonna have some fun then aren't we partner?" You heard Dale snicker as you continued reading names, soon passing around the papers.  You did a small lesson on general human anatomy before giving the students instructions, sitting down.

About halfway through the lesson there was a frantic knock on the door before a cadet entered, eyes big and panting.  "They're back." He breathed as your eyes widened, standing quickly and running from the room.  You feet carried you faster than they ever had before, ignoring the pain in your lungs as you ran towards the gates that had started to open.  You almost ran straight through them before Erwin grabbed you, holding you back.  "Wait until they all get in." He said quietly, guilt or an emotion of the like in his voice, immediately making you worried.
You breathed heavily, eyes teary as you watched people enter, already noticing the numbers missing from when they first left.  "W-where's Levi...?" You croaked as the gates closed, not seeing your raven-haired lover come in with those standing.  You saw Eren with his hand wrapped up, escaping Erwin's grasp and running up to him.  "Where's Levi, Eren? Where's his squad?" You plead, the boy's golden-hazel eyes staring down at you sadly.  "H-he got hurt." He said, his voice breaking slightly as you gripped the teenager's uniform.  "I-is he alive...?" You whispered, voice barely audible as he nodded, a relieved sob escaping your lips.  "But his squad..."
Eren paused, looking at you before shaking his head as your hands shook.  Erwin pulled you back to his chest as you clung to him, body racked with sobs and legs on the brink of collapsing underneath you.  "I-I need to see him..." You whispered, pulling away and looking back at the cadets unloading salvaged bodies and helping injured soldiers who somehow were able to stand without vomiting.  "He's already been helped to the infirmary, I'll show you."  Erwin said softly, leading you away.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now