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Levi's POV

'Eyebrows just has to pick the perfect times to send brats to me doesn't he?'
I sighed and glanced at (Y/n).
I'd tried to deny myself for these past couple months she'd been living with me, but I couldn't lie anymore: I'd developed feelings for the little shit.
It just had to be her didn't it? She's gone through so much already, she shouldn't have to deal with a jerk like me feeling disgusting, bubbly emotions towards her.
I sighed, pushing the thought to the back of my mind. I gently picked up (Y/n), holding her carefully as to not drop her.
Halfway down the hall of my office towards our rooms, she began making weird noises. Not the kind of noises I'd enjoy hearing her make though. So naturally, I stopped to make sure she was okay.
"(Y/n)..." I gently rubbed her cheek with my thumb, looking at her worriedly.
She suddenly began shaking violently, and as soon as she started thrashing I couldn't help but drop her. My eyes went wide as she hit the floor, and a heartbreaking scream erupted from her.

The girl thrashed and shook on the floor as her roommate kneeled next to her in attempt to calm her down. He tried to touch her hand, but as soon as he made contact another scream, more heart shattering than the last echoed through the room and out the doors of the building.
"Where's (Y/n)?! What have you done to (Y/n)?!"
A somehow fully awake Erwin Smith burst through the door as Hanji followed behind him, and a few confused and frightened cadets stood at the door.
"She won't wake up, I don't know what's happening..." Levi whispered, as he watched his only love in seemingly immense pain.
He felt numb, frozen in his spot as Erwin swiftly lifted (Y/n) from her spot on the floor. She screeched and cried, scratching at his face and spitting profanities at the blond. He let out a slightly pained grunt as the dreaming girl lashed at him, digging her nails into the side of his cheek and creating a deep cut.
"Night terrors..." Hanji whispered, eyes big as she ran off with the Commander.
Levi stayed kneeled down on the floor, eyes big as his hand was held out in front of him, frozen.
The hand of the blond-adventurer Armin was placed on Levi's shoulder carefully in worry.
Levi tensed up before his expression dropped, going back to being stoic and bored.
He slapped away the boy's hand and stood, looking at the handful of cadets watching him.
"Get back to your dorms brats, you're all on cleaning duty tomorrow morning for being out of bed past curfew."
"But sir we-"
"NOW Arlert."
All the cadets quickly left the office, Marco closing the door and glancing at his almost-teary eyed superior.
"I'm sure everything will turn out okay sir." He said, smiling gently.
And with the gentle click of the door, the man, once strong and bold, slowly sunk to his knees in desperation and tears, finally broken once again.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now