Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

With California being only a few days away, I needed a new wardrobe. Including a new bathing suit, shoes, dresses (ugh), and shorts, stuff like that. because the stuff I have now is not fit for the hot weather over there.

When we woke up that morning, I told Keaton about it and he was fine with it. Wesley rolled his eyes but agreed to come with us.

We got to the mall and went inside. The first store I went to was Forever 21, they had some really cool bikinis on display and I needed to go try them on. Wesley went to GameStop so it was just me and Keaton. I chose a solid black one, A solid blue one, and a black and white striped one.

"Ill be right out," I went into the changing stalls and tried on the black solid one.

Looking in the mirror, I fixed what needed to be fixed, but I didn't like it.

"You alright baby, let me see," I heard Keaton shout.

I walked out and frowned.

"It looks dumb," I said.

"No, you look beautiful," he scanned me.

"You're just saying that."

"No I'm not, you're beautiful in everything, but if you want, try on the other ones."

I turned around and went back inside to try the black and white striped one. One side was bigger then the other. I didn't show Keaton this one because it was really weird.

"You on your last one yet?" he asked while I had the solid blue one on. I smiled at the sight in the mirror and walked out.

"I love this one, it's my favorite color," I told him.

Keaton was happy but was nervous. He saw guys shopping behind him with their girlfriends. They were looking at me and winking.

"Hey," Keats went in front of me and held my waist. "You're mine," he said while kissing me. "Go change before these perverts try and touch you."

I laughed. I'm not even attractive enough to have guys look at me. At least...before I met Wesley and Keaton. Was it just my school that did not like me. Just for who I was? Not what I looked like? Then I remembered the Austin incident. The scar that ruined my life.

"How do you think it's gonna be at the beach haha," I changed in the stall and came out forgetting about the old days and bringing in the new.

"How much?" He asked.

"It's only $15 on sale, I'll get it," I had left over money behind my iPod case I was going to use. But like always, Keaton has to pay -_-

"Stop it, I'm buying this," he told the cashier. She smiled at him.

"What a gentleman"

"You have no idea," I chuckled.

After that store, we went into one I've never heard of.

"This dress is for fancy things, like if we go to a fancy restaurant or something. and then I'm just going to get a cover up for the beach to go over my bikini," I looked around and didn't see anything I wanted till I glanced at the tank tops. The ones that say Aye, he's mine, and Aye she's mine.

I've always wanted to get one...if I ever had a boyfriend.

"Babe...look," I pointed at them and he opened his mouth wide.

"We have to get these," he grabbed them.

"We're so cute haha," I was happy he wanted them. Every cashier grinned at us. I'm guessing they knew we were together and thought we were a cute couple.

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