Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Chapter 29

"I think she is awake!" I heard someone shout and footsteps next to me.

I tried to open my eyes but the blistering sunlight from what I think to be a window kept them close. I think the person realized it was too bright in the room because the light went away after I struggled. Finally, I creased them open and saw blurs for a moment till the faces appeared. My mom was the first one I saw beside me crying. Then Keaton, Wesley, and Megan whom I haven't talked to in forever. I guess we were casual friends now. Keaton was next to my mom and Wes was at the end of my bed. I couldn't find Drew so I'm guessing he didn't come.

"What happened?" I groaned.

The doctor came in suddenly.

"All right guy's I'm gonna have to ask everyone to leave so I can talk to her for minute, ask her questions and everything."

"I can't stay?" my mom asked.

"I'm sorry," he replied. They walked out the door.

"Now, how are you feeling?" he questioned.

"Fine but my wrist hurt a little," I took a glance at them and they were bruised badly.

"Can you explain to me what exactly happened?"

"I...I was just sitting on my bed, and...I've been have hallucinations from jealousy-"

"And what was the hallucination?"

"It's hard to explain...but I went to a doctor in Cali and she told me they were from jealousy, then today I wasn't even jealous of anything...," I explained whatever I could to him.

"And you're saying that...the image created by the mind that is not a solid figure...made these scars, scratches, bruises, and even threw you across the room?"

It seemed crazy but I know what I saw.

"Doctor I know it seems crazy but-it's true, all of it."

"Shayla...have you been or are depressed?"

I nodded.

"No, there would be no reason to be. I have everything I want. My boyfriend Keaton, and I get to travel with him and his brothers friend across the U.S. and as I said we just went to Cali."

"Mhmm," he wrote stuff down on his clipboard and clicked the pen.

"I'll talk to your mother about it but for now you need some rest."

"Wait," I yelled at him before he walked out.

"Can my boyfriend come in?"

"5 minutes," he responded. I waited, and Keaton came in. I hadn't noticed before but his hair was cut and it was really

hot. You could see his earring and he had it swooped up in the front.

I smiled when he was closer to me

"I love your hair."

He laughed and kneeled down next to my bed and held my hands.

"I rushed when I saw an ambulance pass by. I didn't even know you were in it and I was praying you weren't...and then I went to your house and no one was there. I called your phone but you didn't pick up. I told Wes to get in the car and we were both panicking. But we arrived here and saw your mom in the waiting room," a tear fell down his face. Keaton didn't cry often and it was terrible when he did.

"Shayla what happened?" another tear fell.

"A hallucination..."

"Were you jealous of something Wesley did?"

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