Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I hugged Wesley and sighed.

"Keaton doesn't want to go though," looking down I grabbed my jacket and started walking out of his room.

"He will," Wes' footsteps were heard behind me.

"I guess I'll try again"

"Don't," he grasped my arm but suddenly let go, like he was broken out of a trance.

"Sorry I-"

"Don't worry about it, I'm gonna face time you tomorrow, and tell you what he says okay?" I turned around and smiled, then walked in the family room towards the door.

"Okay, text you later ba-.....Shayla"

I laughed still facing forward.

"Haha alright."

When I finally stepped one foot out of the door, Wesley's mom stopped me.

"Stay." she said shutting the door.

"Uh I got to get home, my mom is ahem uh...waiting for me-"

"Well text her, call, whatever you do these days, tell her you will be staying for dinner," Wes' mom kept a stern face. I glanced at Wesley and shrugged.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt-"

"Good, 8 o' clock, meet here at the table, my husband and Keaton should be joining us, dress nice, not like you are now," she walked into a room and closed the door behind her.

I was speechless, and I think Wesley was too.

"Does she know...about me and Keaton?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"I don't think so."

"This is gonna be a fun night," I said sarcastically while pulling out my phone. I was gonna text Keaton, but of course it was dead, and I wasn't relying on Wes to tell him, because they don't talk as much as they used too. And here comes the feeling of guiltiness. Me ruining their brother to brother relationship.

"I guess instead of Face timing, I'll just see you tonight..." then I walked out the door, leaving him with nothing to say.


I have to impress his parents. Not for Wesley but for Keaton. If they don't know we are dating, then I have to make them like me.

A dress?

Leggings and a blouse?

"Mom!" I yelled.


"You look good in both, just choose," she said smiling.

"Mom, Blouse or a dress come on! I have to look good for his parents! they have to like me"

"Sweetie just be yourself,"

"Be myself? have you even met them before? they are like crazy OCD and are like perfect at everything," I looked in the mirror and spun around.

"Now. Dress or leggings and blouse??" I began panicking. "I still have to curl my hair and put on make-up!".

"Um uh dress!" she yelled.

"Okay okay i'm fine with that!", I locked myself in the bathroom and changed. It was solid Black, strapless, and not too formal, perfect for this occasion. Keaton will love it. Hopefully he doesn't freak out when he sees me randomly sitting at the table with Wesley...his mom, and her husband.

I turned the curling iron on and applied my black eye liner, and not too much mascara.

Then began curling my hair. It's the first time the curls turned out perfect.

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