Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


Anyone who left the hospital was suppose to leave in a wheelchair. Even when Keaton was so entirely angry, he pushed Shayla out in one. I walked next to her mom and Drew as we got into the car.
It seemed as though the world was just frozen, or that I am going so fast that it looks like no one is moving. I wish that my time would slow down to just hold her again. I couldn't imagine how Keaton or her mom feels right now, but whatever it was it was probably just like mine.
We all were sitting in the car. Her mom was driving. All the sudden Shayla began laughing.

"Remember those guys at the arcade that one time haha,"

"Hey, my friend want's your number", The man said.

I laughed and looked at Keaton. He gave me the eye warning me not to give it to him.

"Um no sorry, I can't give my number out", I glared back at Wes and gave him a smile, his thumb went up.

"Whatever", He turned around and went back to his cliche of friends.

"Your lucky your cute", I continued to play pool. The guys were still looking over here and laughing. I think they were making fun of Wes and Keat for something stupid.
When we finished the game, I pointed to a dance revolution game with 4 dance floors on. Wesley got on the matt to the right of me, and Keaton to the left. We all were laughing because we looked stupid just standing on them.

"What song?", I asked scrolling through them.

"I know none of these, haha just choose "SandStorm", Wesley chose.

Once the song started our feet went crazy.

"You suck!", I yelled to both of them.

They laughed and continued.
I pushed Wesley a little.

"Hey!!!", He complained.
Wes pushed me back.

"Im gonna win!", he yelled back to me.

I pushed him one more time. But I think he lost his balance...because he toppled onto the ground and hit someone.
When I looked to see who it was, I wasn't happy.

"I'm so sorry Wes", I ran over to him and checked to see if he is okay. He got right up.

"Dude watch where your going", the guy said. And was the guy who wanted my number.
I could tell Wes didn't like this guy at all and didn't care who he was, he just wanted him away from me.

"Go away", Wes said sternly.

"Or what, your gonna sick your sister on me? or that short little freak over there?", He gestured to Keaton, which really got my stirred up.
I remember back when me and Keaton cuddled. At one point, he started talking about how he used to get bullied, and no one would ever stand up for him. Everyone in that general area laughed at Keaton. He told me he was the quite type, not one to make a lot of friends. His brother was his best friend, and he didn't meet Drew till his last year there.

"I'm not gonna fight for them, I'm fighting for me", I told him standing tall.
He stared at me.

"K. I'm not afraid to hit a girl", his fist raised like he was a bout to swing.

"Don't-", Wesley started but I didn't let him finish.

"I believe we are done here", I made up my mind and kicked him in,"The area".

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