Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


I didn't sleep all night. I was afraid to dream about scary things and scared to see scary things with my eyes open. I just shut my eyes but didn't get too tired.

"Keaton?" I looked around. I think he was outside the room.

My mom was beside me and Wesley might be outside too.

I didn't want to wake my mom, she has been so stressed that I would feel terrible to destroy her only peace in dreams.

The door swung open and the doctor came in. I saw a glance of Keaton and Wes sleeping in the chairs. Drew was now there but he wasn't sleeping, just reading something.

"Good morning Shayla," she said writing some information down.

"Yeah pff good morning," I rolled my eyes.

"Did you have any hallucinations last night?"

I shook my head no.

"Now I just need you to read this paper and sign it decide to go through with this by tomorrow," the doctor sighed.

I grabbed the clipboard from her and began trying to read the small print. It was something like a contract. She walked out of the room.

I continued reading the paper until I looked up and saw someone in front of the bed.

"Nice hair," it was Drew. He laughed and stood beside my bed.

"I'm sorry for not coming the first days..." he continued.

"It's fine," I said smiling, acting as if I was actually reading the contract. I peered at my mom and she was still sleeping.

"I haven't been able to talk to Wesley or Keaton because I just got here. How are you?"

I shrugged.

"Drew...I..." I handed him the clipboard. He took it with confusion. As he read it, his eyes widely opened.

"Shayla no, how did you get this past Keaton and Wesley???"

"I-he just let me," I replied.

"Is it really that bad?"

I nodded rolling up my sleeves and rubbing my sheets to show the bruises, scratches, and hair.

"O my gosh."

Right then, my mom woke up.

"Drew? How are you!" She said yawning.

He smirked a little.

"I was fine till now," he sternly looked at me.

"Oh..." she stood up.

"I'm gonna go get Wes and Kea-"

"No!" I interrupted. "Don't wake them...I want them to sleep."

Drew shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the couch where my mom had just been.

"Mom. The doctor wants me to read this paper and sign it to make decision." I handed her the clipboard.

She took it out of my hand and began reading.

"It just states that...o my-" she covered her mouth, "Shayla...once you check in, you can't check out till you are 18."

I wasn't turning 18 for another 10 months. My birthday had just happened when...Keaton came and didn't go to that huge party of Trixies.

"You can't do this Shayla," Drew said getting up and staring into my eyes.

I didn't look back at him. I played with my hospital bracelet in despair.

"I have to."


The noises of PA's and doctors rushing were loud but some how I managed to sleep. I had a dream that Shayla changed her mind and everything was fine with her now, she even dated me, even though that was so unrealistic, I wish it wasn't a dream.

Keaton was still asleep but I woke him up.

"Come on," I stood up and sleepily walked into the room.

I glared at Shayla who wasn't smiling, she was looking down.

"Drew?" Keaton said behind me. Drew waved while sighing. Her mom was covering her face with her hands.

This isn't good, I thought to myself.

"Shayla?" I went up to the bed. She shook her head and pointed to a clipboard with some paper on it.

I picked it up and began reading.


Patient will not blame hospital for any reasons he/she is having a problem. Patient agrees to check in to hospital and will NOT be checking themselves out till he/she is 18 years of age.

After signing this contract, you agree to the policies and terms listed above."

I flipped the paper down and thought for a moment. I handed the clipboard to Keaton in shock. I couldn't move after reading. I stared at the ground. I didn't even budge when Keaton threw the clipboard on the ground and stormed out of the room. The only person who moved was Shayla, and somehow it seemed like she was okay with all of this. Her birthday isn't for another year.

"Keaton wait!" Shay yelled, but he was all ready gone.

"I'm really sorry everyone," she started to say but burst into tears.

"It's not your fault honey," her mom continued to keep her face in her hands.

I didn't know what to do. At this point, Shayla wasn't going to be persuaded into staying. I just want whats best for her, but I never knew it would end up not seeing her for a year.

I picked up the clipboard and read more.


"I'll see you twice in two months..." I whispered.

Shayla continued to cry.

"We'll all come Shayla, me, Keaton, Drew, your mom," I said trying to cheer her up. I managed a smile and grabbed her hand.

"It will be all right, I promise," kissing her hand and then her cheek, I let go.

One more chapter everyone.....

Instagram: @Shaylahamady

Youtube: Shayla Hamady

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